
If you have trouble producing facts or information this article will help you overcome this particular forgetfulness to a great deal. What I'm about to share is a fun way to remember facts and information. If you’re in the middle of some work re-engage at a time of convenience. And if you stick till the end I'll share a Gift to reward your patience and wherewithal. Ready, get set let's roll.

Below is a step-by-step list for each item and an activity it is used in. Your job is to remember as many items as you can by their name. Okay so you would need a piece of paper and a pen. Look only at the items below come back up and write down as many items as you can remember on the piece of paper.




















Water Bottle -A nestle brand 300 ml waterbottle(??) suddenly pops of thin air

Balloon-A Red Helium Balloon (?? )tied its cord to the Water bottle and lifts it in the air

Battery -Atlas Batteries (??)started falling from the sky one hits the Red Helium Balloon and pops its!

Barrel -A Rusty Wooden Barrel(??) is hovering in the sky. Its mouth facing downwards dropping the Altas Batteries.

Board-A Gigantic surf Board(??) leans on the side of the Barrel

Diamond - An enormous 64 Karat Diamond(??) tumbles down from the leaning board falling to the ground.

Knight Rider -Despite hitting a top speed of 377 mph you cant prevent your car Knight Rider(?????)? from getting hit by the falling Diamond.

Ox - Looking at a chariot held by an Ox(??) you find no alternate but to parallel your Knight Rider next to it.

Toothpaste - Smelling foul breath you took out Colgate toothpaste(??) with extra Flouride formula for Savory breath and start brushing the teeth of the Ox.

Neon Sign - A huge Neon Sign(??) saying “Congratulations” gets hit as the Ox gurgles and spits the toothpaste and water solution out.

How well did you do? 6,4,1...

Not good enough? Let's try luck with another. Surprise Quizes were the bane of my existence in school days. Can you imagine you are sitting in a Chemistry class? Suddenly your teacher says, “Class we will be having a surprise quiz RIGHT NOW. Write down the top 10 elements of periodic table.” But if I gave you a tip that helps you with magically memorizing periodic table elements 1 to 10 quickly would you be able to pass the quiz? Cool? The magic trick is TIP (Turn Into Picture). In other words, turn the elements of periodic table into a picture of what you can associate the element with or what rhymes with the element’s name. Let’s begin. Below is the list of first ten elements on the periodic table :





1st is Hydrogen - what reminds you of hydrogen? Hydrant or picture an H2O(as in water in a bottle)! ? ??


2nd is Helium? - what reminds you of helium? Maybe a friend making funny voice…or picture a Balloon ??!


3rd is Lithium - what reminds you of lithium? conductors or picture a Battery??!?


4th is Beryllium- what reminds you of Berryllium ? what rhymes with Bery-llium? a Barel memory expert (??)


5th is Boron - what reminds you of Boron? what rhymes with Boron? picture a Board ??


6th is Carbon - what reminds you of Carbon? picture a Diamond! ..as Diamond is carved out of coal or unfiltered carbon? ??


7th is Nitrogen - what reminds you of Nitrogen? What rhymes like Nitrogen, picture a 2008 Knight-Rider car memory expert!? ?????


8th is Oxygen - what reminds you of Oxygen ? What rhymes like Oxygen, an Ox memory expert! ??


9th is Flourine - what reminds you of Flourine? A toothpaste, memory expert! ??


10th is Neon?- what reminds you of Neon? Picture a huge Neon sign saying “Congratulations” ??


Take each test (i) Remembering Items (not necessary to remember in a sequence) (ii) Remembering Elements 1-10 of Periodic table one more time and see how many were you able to remember correctly this time.



Have you been able to identify the connection between the two Quizes? The elements of the Periodic table were symbolized into events that played in form of a sequence.

The basic work of association, when brain memory uses it, is lending tangible item a noun or a name. Here we first turned each element into an item, giving it a picture as was the case with 1 to 10 periodic table elements. However, joining them in an activity to form a sequence is called Chain Linking. Both Association and Chain-Linking combine to perform what constitutes majority work of building “Connections” or building “Links”.

A question might have come to your mind after reading this far “Why induce a headache with such an animated display?”

The answer lies in abbreviation AEIOU. This means our Brain engages more with content that uses (A)ction, (E)xaggeration, contains (I)llogical perspective, (O)utstands, is (U)nusual. And the more a brain engages, the more it remembers. In other words, I call “Amplifying by Adding Adjectives”. The purpose of AEIOU is to lend Sensation to the content.

Chain linking is in large part how turn of Events take place and are studied.

The ability of our Brain either by creating picture in our heads from memory or between how two independent Events are connected with one nother is called Associative Coherence. Coined by Dr Daniel Kahemann. He won a Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences in year 2002 for his work on bridging gap between Behavioral science and Economics. Another staunch proponent who corroborated our brain working by forming connections between different variables at work when evaluating how they interplay to create an environment was the Late Steve Jobs who famously coined the term “Connecting the Dots”.

The WaterBottle list is a Fact Sheet that you can use to gather facts under each label ie. WaterBottle, Balloon etc. etc. You receive it as a gift as promised!

Kudos to you for staying with the post this far! Please re-visit the exercise and share your results in the comments. It helps me understand how much articles on subjects such as neuroscience are interesting. If you find this post beneficial, please comment on how this exercise improved your ability to re-call facts and share.


With No strings attached ??


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