Facts About Human Nature I have Learned
Photo by Sebastian Voortman

Facts About Human Nature I have Learned

Understanding people better is the key to a successful and happier life.

Humans are social beings, and they must inevitably interact with each other to get things done and move throughout life.

Humans also thrive and want interaction. If you don’t understand human nature, you will likely hit some roadblocks throughout your life.

Human nature is a combination of characteristics that include how one feels, acts, and thinks naturally.

The following are just a few facts about human nature that you should learn so you can communicate better and have a more productive life:

You can’t multitask It may seem hard to believe, but you can’t multitask. Science proves you can only think about one thing at a time.

You might think you are reading and writing at the same time, but that is a misconception.

The way humans multitask is by simply switching back and forth between tasks fast to give an illusion that you can do them simultaneously.

It is crucial to understand that multitasking just doesn’t work and will hinder your productivity and communication skills.

You are physically unable to concentrate on more than one thing, and you will often leave out valuable information when you try.

Try to avoid any kind of multitasking if you are struggling with anything, whether it’s work or relationships.

Your memories might be wrong, memories change based on your perceptions of the world and how you were taught to make sense of the world.

Therefore, every time you recall a memory, it is reconstructed in some way. They are not movie clips that replay in your brain, so your brain takes over and adds information it thinks is missing.

This information can also be easily altered by adding just a few words. You can encourage people to recall different memories only by the simple words you use.

This proves that the words you use are important and can affect others negatively, and because of that, you need to consider you might be wrong about how you remember something.

Most Decisions Are Made Unconsciously

A study published in nature neuroscience shows how a team of scientists proved that your brain prepares most of the findings through unconscious mental processing by being able to predict the decisions someone made by using brain singles attached to computers that happen before they made the conscious decision.

The study showed that their unconscious brain decided about seven seconds before the subject came to the final conscious decision.

The study is mind-blowing and proves you must apply certain strategies if you genuinely want to influence someone's decisions.

If you know that someone is making their opinions about you before they are evident in their mind, you may think twice before you act.

As you can see, human nature is quite interesting and complex. Learning all you can about human nature can change your perspective and allow you to develop better communication skills.

These skills can then lead to a more prosperous life in business, a more joyful life in relationships, and a better life overall.

What do you think about the information above about human nature?

See you later.

Dr. Renee

PS. For Complimentary training and 15 min session - bit.ly/chatwithdrrenee.


