Facts about the English Language
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William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor. Remarkably, he introduced thousands of words and phrases into the English language. When crafting his plays and poems, he often coined new words. For instance, William Shakespeare was the first to use words such as "addiction," "cold-blooded," "swagger," and "to break the ice."
Since his writings were immensely popular, people continued quoting him and incorporating the phrases and words he pioneered into everyday speech. This is how these lexical innovations became ingrained in the English language.
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The word 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' was considered the lengthiest word in the English lexicon. Its popularity stemmed from the movie '#MaryPoppins.' However, it is not the longest word in English. An even more extensive word, officially acknowledged in a dictionary, exists: 'pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.'
This term refers to a medical condition and is considered a technical expression. This word comprises 45 letters. Surprisingly, there are English words even longer than this, including chemical names. However, major dictionaries do not recognize them as legitimate words, so you need not be concerned about encountering these in real-world scenarios.
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Do you recall often being confused by the differing spellings of words like "color & colour", "favorite & favourite", "program & programme", and "catalog & catalogue"?
This variation in spelling arose when Americans decided to simplify the spelling of English words by eliminating letters that were not pronounced. The first American English dictionary in history was published in 1806 and documented all these changes. This was one of the ways for the American people to proclaim their independence from the British (Britons).
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So-called "ghost" words are words that were misspelled in dictionaries. In the past, when every page was manually written and later prepared for printing, typos were very common.
For instance, the word "dord" was never actually used, yet it remained in the dictionary for over eight years until the next edition was published.
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It is the technical term used to refer to this small distinguishing mark. The dot placed atop the letters 'i' and 'j' is called a 'tittle.' It is also known as a superscript.
A tittle, or superscript dot, is a small distinguishing mark, such as a diacritic in the form of a dot on a letter (e.g., lowercase i or j). The tittle is an integral part of the glyph of the letters i and j, but diacritic dots can appear over other letters in various languages.
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Pilots, flight crews, and air traffic controllers - essentially, all personnel involved in aviation operations - must pass an English proficiency test. This requirement exists because all communication in the air, worldwide, has been conducted in English since 2008.
In reality, English had been the de facto language of pilots for many years before that. However, it took a few tragic incidents to formally establish English as the international standard for communication in the aviation industry during flights.
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The word 'Hangry' is a term that exists in the English language, formed by combining the words 'hungry' and 'angry'. It describes the feeling of irritability that can arise due to hunger. The earliest known evidence for the word 'hangry' dates back to the mid-1950s (around 1956-57), although it was not officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary until January 2018.
Other similar composite words in the English language include Brunch, Smog, Edutainment, Chillax, and Motel."
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When individuals do not strictly identify as either male or female (meaning they are non-binary), we use gender-neutral pronouns. Here are a few examples, with the corresponding gendered pronouns provided in parentheses:
Additionally, non-binary individuals often use "they" as a third-person singular pronoun (instead of "he" or "she"), as well as the possessive "their" and the objective "them."
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A palindrome is a word or phrase that has the same spelling whether you read left-to-right or right-to-left. For example: Madam, Level, Deified, Rotator, Noon, Civic, Radar, Tenet, etc.
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The English alphabet has become smaller over the years. This is because many of our letters originated as Egyptian hieroglyph symbols over 4,000 years ago, with a mix of Semitic, Phoenician, Greek, and Roman influences.
By the year 1011, the alphabet we recognize today was largely in place, excluding the letters "J," "U," and "W," and included 29 letters, such as the ampersand (&). The modern 26-letter alphabet we use today took shape in the 16th century, but its development spanned thousands of years.
As our language evolved, we lost several letters, including Thorn (t), Wynn (?), Yogh (?), Ash (?), Ethel (?), and the Ampersand (&).
The English alphabet has a rich and fascinating history that has evolved over thousands of years. I hope this article has provided you with an interesting overview.
I would like to thank all of my readers for taking the time to read this and learn more about the language we use every day. Kindly share this article with your connections and comment if you have any additional insights, thoughts, or feedback on this, I would greatly appreciate you sharing your views in the comments below.
Thank you again for your interest, and I look forward to hearing your perspectives!
Happy reading! ??
9 个月Good one