Factory Audits are important

Factory Audits are important

Looking for a new factory to work with in China and Asia can be in many ways a complex and dauting task.

Performed according to ISO 9000 standards and the client's specific requirements, the factory audit lets you know exactly if your factory meets your requirements in terms of quality, production capacity and delivery deadline.

Sunchine Inspection can customize the factory audit to address specific concerns you should have and look more closely into specific areas of the factory that are critical to your project.

The factory audit services we offer to the international buyers are conceived to meet the following purposes:

1. To verify the comprehensive capacity of enterprises, such as production capacity, manufacturing process, technical capacity, quality management system and export experience etc; Minimize production risks.

2. Provide all relevant information about the manufacturer.

3. Help you to assess and optimize the risk management so that your business could be in position to achieve the maximum profits.

4. Assure and guarantee the quality.

A. Review the factory's qualification and competences. Check the certificates.

D. Survey the factory (such as area of workshop, facilities, cleanliness, environment…).

E. Assess the capability of factory machinery and equipment (type, quantity, condition, maintenance records).

F. Assess factory personnel (How many workers, workers assigned to your production process, worker skill level, management).

G. Assess the production capacity of the manufacturer (product, variety, specification, material, reference standard).

H. Check previous production records and capabilities.

I. Verify the factory In-house Quality management system, assess quality plan and records, ISO 9000 documentation.

J. Taking pictures of every aspect so you get the "feel" of the factory.

K. Check the factory experience in export matters and their main countries of exportation.

A quick response report will be sent to you within 24 hours. This very detailed report illustrated with photos will show you exactly what our qualified auditor has seen in the factory. Some videos can be taken during the factory audit



