Factors to Consider When Handling Visual Presentation Aids
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Factors to Consider When Handling Visual Presentation Aids

As many presenters know, you can find it challenging to generate an impression that sticks. The use of presentation aids in the form of visual cues will definitely help you to get more attention quickly when you start presenting.

Using a projection system is one of the best ways to improve a presentation and ensure its success. A projected presentation ensures an increased in your professionalism by enabling presenters to effortlessly share data, supporting information, and fresh ideas.

Of equal importance are the non-projected visual presentation aids covering Board, Flipcharts, and printed materials. They are more conventional equipment that you can still use in complementing your verbal and non-verbal presentation cues to increase the draw of your message and information.

Slideshow presentations made with a video projector provide you, as the speaker, with the control over the attractiveness of multimedia requirements when presenting. One the same token, writing on the Board and Flipchart offers you the immediate opportunity to instantly capture the ideas in the visual format as learners verbally tell you in your presentation. Henceforth, you can improve the likelihood that the audience will understand.

Since visual presentation aids in both forms of projected and non-projected formats are the most frequently in training programmes, a list of factors that should be considered when handling them is given below. The more technical nature of detailed instructions on how to buy and set up each component of your presentation aids can be found in many online and offline sources.

For trainers or work functions with training as part of the job, presentation aids usually cover the Board, Flipchart and LCD Projector. Factors in handling them are listed in the following section.

● Visual presentation aids must be neat in appearance; for example, simple and clear charts should be used.

● Avoid leaving the previously used Visual presentation aids , for example, the Overhead / LCD Projector to be left unattended. It may give rise to unnecessary distractions.

● Avoid using too many presentation aids to capture the visual cues at one time. It may cause a chaotic situation.

● Unnecessary movement on the part of the trainer, for example, constantly waving the presentation pointer, will distract the learners.

● Handouts should be distributed at the best time while the Trainer is making a presentation; for example: before you are presenting a hands-on section, you can distribute the instructions in the handout.

● The trainer should not obstruct the learners’ view by standing between the visual presentation aids and the learners.

● Visual presentation aids must be carefully planned, prepared and organized to maximize learning; for example; when do you use the Flipchart during your presentation.

● Test the visual presentation aids before using them in the training session; for example: Overhead/LCD Projector if you are using it on a different laptop during the training session.

● Ensure that the seating arrangement allows the learners to have a clear view of the visual presentation aids.

● The trainer should not “talk” to the visual presentation aids with his or her back facing the learners.

● Visual presentation aids are very useful in presenting formulas and computations, graphs and trends, pictorial representations and diagrams, figures, charts and tables. The KISS principle must be observed – Keep it short and simple.

● The information provided by the visual presentation aids must be in a systematic order; for examples: Sectioning the Board to organize the various types of information can assist your learners to read better.

● If the visual presentation aid is used to present an idea, the trainer should refer to it while making the presentation. Do not let it “stand” alone.

● The presentation aids must be relevant to the training subject; for example: Use presentation slides when you explain step-by-step procedure. Give handouts of the procedure when you guide the hands-on practice.

● Go through the visual presentation aids before using them to complement your presentation. Be certain of the facts presented and if possible round off the numerical figures.

In conclusion, your conscious consideration of the factors in handling the visual presenting aids can reinforce learning, convey information more quickly and increase the understanding and comprehension of your learners. Overall, you increase the learner's participation and satisfaction of their learning experience in your training programme.


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