The Narrow Gate

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:13-14

Common sense should raise red flags to believe that entering the Kingdom of God is available for one and all and allows them to do whatever they please - essentially, this "saved by grace" doctrine removes the need for Christ's Day of Judgment and means EVERYONE has an automatic pass to Heaven - talk about a Broad Gate - THAT'S IT.

Bells should be going off in your head - The Christian free-for-all "Saved by Grace" doctrine flies COMPLETELY AGAINST what Christ Himself claimed in Mt 17:13-14.

You must be thinking, "Well, Christ proclaimed we're saved by grace" - well, the fact is HE DID NOT. There is NOT ONE single scripture where He proclaims this - NOT ONE. In fact, He states just the opposite - READ Matthew 7:17-28 AND Luke 13:23-28. In fact, the Messiah is asked point-blank: What must one do to have Eternal Life? Christ provides a simple, 3-worded answer: "Keep my commandments" (Matthew 19:16-17). So much for being "saved by grace" according to the Messiah Himself.

So where did this "saved by grace thru faith" doctrine come from? from no less from one who seems like the devil incarnate himself: a saint murdering, self-admitted deceiving (Romans 7:19, 2 Corinthians 12:16, Romans 3:7) Pharisee whose ilk Christ labeled hypocrites and children of hell (Matthew 23:15). Get one thing straight - Paul is NOT God. Paul is NOT the Word of God - the Messiah is. Paul's word is dubious at best - we know this because Christ Himself warns us this is the nature of ALL Pharisees (Matthew 23:3).

You're thinking, "OK, but Paul met Christ on the Road to Damascus and converted him..." well there's several problems with this. First of all, Paul has no witness to collaborate his claim - according to scriptures, the testimony of 2-3 witnesses is required for a charge/claim to be established (Deuteronomy 17:16, 19:15, John 8:17, Matthew 18:16) - ironically, Paul himself declares this as well (2 Corinthians 13:1) so Paul's sole claim is not only doubtful, it doesn't hold up in God's own Court of Law.

But it gets worse for Paul - he gives not one (1), not two (2), but three (3) DIFFERENT, CONTRADICTORY VERSIONS of his non-verifiable encounter on the Road to Damascus - Proof: Acts 9:3-17, Acts 22:6-21, Acts 26:12-18. https://www.antichristpaul.com/3-Conversion-Versions.php

Paul's story gets evern worse believe it or not. Who he describes seeing is NOT the Messiah - he describes seeing Satan himself - in fact, Paul's very description of Satan IS EXACTLY what he saw on the Road to Damascus:(https://www.chosenofisrael.com/PAUL-ENCOUNTERED-SATAN-NOT-CHRIST.php)

Believe it or not, Paul's "saved by grace"credibility is entirely crushed by his own actions. Remember Christ labeling Pharisees hypocrites? Paul is not only NOT an exception to this - he's the poster child for Pharisee Hypocrisy. This shameless hypocrite NEVER BELIEVED his own "saved by grace thru faith only" BS heresy. How do we know this? Paul was a die-hard Law Keeper (Acts 24:14) who kept Passover & the Feasts (Acts 20:4-6), kept the Sabbath and preached the Law (https://www.eliyah.com/protorah.html), and warned against Lawlessness (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12) !!!

So there you have it: Christ NEVER proclaimed your "saved by grace thru faith" and Pharisee Paul, Mr. "saved by grace thru faith" never believed his own BS heresy.

Am I denying that Christ's blood was shed in vain? Not at all - quite the contrary - just as the Exodus Passover lamb was sacrificed to spare from the death HIS Torah ("Law")-keeping children of Israel from death that came upon Lawless Gentiles, so too was the Passover Lamb of God sacrificed to spare from Eternal death HIS Torah-keeping children of Israel who He came for (Matthew 10:5-7, 15:24) who believe in HIS Word, HIS Testimony, HIS Gospel, and HIS Revelation NOT Lawless Gentiles who refuse to believe in HIS Word, HIS Testimony, HIS Gospel, and HIS Revelation (John 6:28-29) but instead blindly believe in a lying hypocrite Lawless-preaching AntiChrist Pharisee.

BTW - Christ's Passover sacrifice was NOT the end of the Law contrary to what the lying Pharisee Paul claimed - IT BEGAN God's master plan for His Son: Proof: https://www.chosenofisrael.com/Why-Christ-HAS-NOT-Fulfilled-the-Law.php AND https://www.chosenofisrael.com/gods-blueprint-for-christ.php

The Son of God in His infinite wisdom provides thru His Revelation what the narrow gate is with 30 scriptures that confirm His Gospel - NOT Paul's: One must keep BOTH God's commandments (Law/Torah) and Faith/Testimony in Him and HIS WORD. Proof: https://www.chosenofisrael.com/revelation-the-proof.php

This article is NOT to rain on your parade - in fact, it's to bring you to a stark realization that you've been fed A LIE your entire life that was satanically designed to deny you eternal life. But far more important than that, this article is to help put you thru the narrow gate that leads to the Kingdom of God.

KEEP TORAH: https://www.chosenofisrael.com/learn-torah.php

KEEP PASSOVER: ?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7PQDblLY-I VIDEO

Shalom !


Jorge Mata Torres

Who's Who Member | Outstanding Young Men of America | National Honor Society | International University Professor | PhD Humane Letters | MBA International Trade | BS Communications | London College | University of Texas

7 年

Shalom my sister Belinda - praise the Almighty One for opening your eyes and your heart to His Truth. You may want to read the book, "The Last Revelation of Christ" that conclusively disproves the heretical doctrines of Christianity and provides the 2 requirements the Messiah proclaims we must keep to enter the Kingdom of God: www.TheLastRevelationofChrist.com


Amen!! Here is me thinking I am the only literate one!! I am just discovering this lie myself! Every quote in Romans from Isaiah is either out of context or in context about false teachers and prophets!! Try convincing the world of the truth - at least we aren't alone in our wisdom and understanding. And he closes by greeting a host of Ancient and othe false gods and demons by name... cheeky though he tells the reader to wise in what is good and simple in evil, Yahweh always said his children were rebellious - He knows me so well!! More blasphemy about God's love in Corinthians... it keeps no record of wrong!? What!? The Word says Yahweh is abounding in love and punishes the son for the sins of the Father to the 3rd n 4th generations!! BLASPHEMY!! I am just a girl with a book and a heart, unlike your educated self, but so grateful my conclusions are confirmed by a person of knowledge! May the Lord bless you!! Yahweh declares that He is our Saviour and redeemer! Read it again... maybe you missed it!! Seek Him and you WILL find him in all his TRUTH and Beauty!

Jorge Mata Torres

Who's Who Member | Outstanding Young Men of America | National Honor Society | International University Professor | PhD Humane Letters | MBA International Trade | BS Communications | London College | University of Texas

7 年

Your biggest error is pure commentary Mr. Fagan - you've disproved absolutely nothing I've cited. Furthermore, Paul was never selected as an Apostle by Christ nor by His true legitimate Apostles. Christ selected the 12 mentioned in Matthew 10:1-4. These 12 are those He tells in His earthly ministry will rule over the 12 tribes of Israel (Luke 22:28-30) and He confirms His Word in Rev 21:10-14. Furthermore, Christ warns of False Apostles and to test them: Rev: 2:2. Do you have any idea what that test is? They had to be baptised by John and witnessed Christ's resurrection (Acts 1:21-22) - Paul fails miserably in both requirements. There is no 13th Apostle of God there's just a false, self-proclaimed apostle of the Evil One named Paul (Sha'ul). Only an AntiChrist would make the blasphemous claim that the deceiving Pharisee and false apostle Paul is the messenger of the Good News Gospel and not Christ. Your last statement refutes everything God the Father, the Prophets, the Psalms, Christ, His true 12 Apostles and James proclaimed which is as heretical as it gets. BTW - your god Paul - Mr. "saved by grace" was quite the hypocrite: he kept the Law (Acts 24:14), Passover and the Biblical feasts (Acts 20:4-6), circumcised Timothy (Acts 16:3), kept the Sabbath (Acts 17:2, 18:4), preached the Law (www.eliyah.com/protorah.html), and moreso warned gullible fools (hint) to NOT buy into his “saved by grace” (i.e., Lawless) snake-oil BS LIE (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12) that he himself did not believe in. Slice and dice it all you want but there's no escaping these facts regardless how much you want to be in denial and claim it's all "out of context" but then again, you're a typical so-called "Christian" who denies and rejects everything Christ proclaimed. Shalom !

The biggest error is context Dr. Torres. All you scriptural references are out of context. I believe that all scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit by an ALMIGHTY GOD. Emphasis on ALMIGHTY, all knowing and all powerful. The Apostle PAUL teaches the Gospel, the good news. Man cannot be saved by is own acts or deeds, but faith and faith by hearing the word of God.



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