Fact is, we DO have a choice and it is not meaningless. Either Trump-and the ruination of America- or a sobered up CONUS, with Alaska and Hawaii

The choice we have to make is very simple. Do we let the Russian Federation continue to allow Trump to reign in a tyrannical manner with a title he did not earn himself, that of POTUS, to the extent that our Constitution is destroyed, or do we realize that there is another way than PUTIN domination which can be America's future ?

It so happens that Giuliani was receiving money from a Russian Oligarth as to the latest scheme in the Ukraine shows, as to subvert the 2020 elections, and that this was nothing other than an attempt to destroy not only the opposition to Trump, but to give Putin pseudo credibility if he destroyed the Ukrainian government soon afterwards.

Right now, we can either let the koolaid drinkers of the GOP dominate our discourse with more outlandish theories, the latest being that Giuliani, and Sondland, of the US State Department, were "rogue" and did all this plotting behind Trump's back or else force this "confederacy of dunces" headed by Trump to cease and desist from exercising the working duties of POTUS. The 25 amendment and/or impeachment are our remedies.

As to those in the GOP whom scream that removal of Trump is reversing the 2016 elections, i.e. that is PRECISELY the point the kool aid drinkers in the GOP do not get.

Trump was GIVEN the POTUS title by PUTIN, due to MASSIVE intervention from the Kremlin.

It is not a stretch to say that we are under Kremlin occupation until Trump is out of office. Saying this does not mean that the Clinton's are the immediate beneficiaries, in spite of all the screeching from the Freedom Caucus to this effect. The beneficiaries of forcing Trump to leave the POTUS is the restoration of the United States as an independent from PUTIN nation.

And that is what it is all about. The thievery of the present POTUS , in terms of emolument violations is nothing compared to the unacceptable surrender of American independence to the whims and controls of the Russian Federation.

Any GOP theories and "what about ism's" as to HILLARY Clinton and Bill Clinton are now besides the point. Hillary Clinton would not be president , i.e. POTUS, if Trump steps down. It is not a zero sum game between Trump, Clinton and all the cabals that the Freedom Caucus conjectures up.

If Bloomberg buys Fox News, and banishes the Putin team there, genuine Conservatism which existed say 2000 AD or so may be re established. The two Party system will be reborn

Would that mean that we can disregard the attack upon our country by Putin? Certainly not, but it would be the beginning of the end of Putin's nearly successful attempt to ruin the US Constitution and to make the USA an also ran nation, i.e. a collection of third rate intellects mascarading, falsely as the inheritors of 1776

Andrew Beckwith, PhD


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