This fact about Money Laundering will surprise you.

This fact about Money Laundering will surprise you.

Did you know that between 2 and 5% of global GDP is laundered each year? That is between EUR 715 billion and 1.87 trillion each year!

While difficult to assess the exact amount that was laundered, the figure mentioned above was taken from an estimation made by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

At Whistlehub we developed a whistleblowing platform for companies to help address and prevent fraud and money laundering - securely and discreetly!

If you want to try a free demo of the software, we can help you with that, quickly and securely.

Alternatively, get in touch and we can answer any questions you have about our system, encryption level, server locations or any other information you need to know about our whistleblowing platform.

If you would like to know more about the whistleblowing law itself, we recommend that you read the Official Journal of the European Union that was released on this matter on October the 23rd 2019, just click here to read, it will open up a .pdf readable window. We will, however, be releasing a more simplified version of the whistleblowing directive for you very soon.

In the meantime, follow us on LinkedIn to stay up to date on interesting facts about Fraud, Misconduct and Legal Risk!



