A fact of human's robotic behavior
Ravinderpal Singh
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Seeing is believing. We see each other as perfectly in control isolated entities that behave and react according to our willingness. Are we sure? Let us understand basic definition of robots first.
Robots are computer operated mechanical or virtual devices that generate particular output for a specific input. All the processing is done inside device and whatever we see is just a functionality for that input. Humans are a lot similar to these.
Basic example is relation between a situation and reaction. Praising makes us happy and criticizing, condemning, complaining makes us feel worse with more or less differences in magnitude. These differences in reactions are just due to the factor of familiarity of situations.
Advertisements, TV shows and movies have wired our thought process abnormally either consciously or subconsciously. Matter have taken over minds. Money can manipulate us in such different ways we don’t even realize. Since ages people fighting for power, to rule and to take control over others is getting normal. Maslow's need hierarchy describe all this perfectly.
These all inputs to our mind through our five senses effect the way we react and behave.Our embedded programs(so called emotions) derive us to the conclusions we dedicate our whole life to ,without giving enough time for our brain to justify judgement.To take better decisions and to handle situations we have to take control of our predictable behaviors.
A emotionally controlled person is not only accurate thinker and analyzer of situations but can absolutely find precise solutions to gain maximum profit in any situation.