We are all familiar with that very popular phrase; “The truth shall set you free.” Do we mean our own ‘prejudiced’ and ‘manipulated’ truth’s, or are we referencing those embellished truth’s that we sometimes receive from our friends, neighbors, and loved ones or do we cling to every utterance, that is sputtered, stammered or eloquently presented to us by those persons that we admire, respect, and have chosen to trust and to blindly, accept their spoken vibes as truth?

Are there determining factors that affords us the opportunity to be able to decipher fact from fiction or to know the difference between actual occurrences of fairy tales? Do we acknowledge that all fairy tales are not from Disney or some of other childhood landing places of entertainment?

Within our own psychological space, we may have deemed ourselves to be individuals who are staunch purveyors of researched, knowledge that cannot be honestly refuted. We may intentionally or unintentionally engage in conversations that are highly charged with controversy, angst and consternation. During these volatile dissertations, we may and possibly, do, offend, disrespect or dismiss the verbal sharing’s of one another based on what we have embraced as fact, simply to make a point, that is our point, not necessarily the uncompromised truth.

Have we reduced our understanding of someone’s difference of opinion as being fairy tales? Have we done our due diligence by researching and verifying the things that, friends, family members, associates, colleagues, politicians and friends are sharing and have shared with us? Are we dismissive of their situations simply because we have not encountered their experiences and chooses to manufacture our own truth’s in its place? Do we reduce the plight of others as being what ifs’ consequences? What if consequences often hinges’ heavily on an individual or groups of individuals personal thoughts and ideas that usually, almost, always have the answer for someone’s dilemma(s), but fail to conquer their own disfunction(s), but, does not hesitate to share their opinions of other people’s circumstances and situations?

Would you agree that we sometimes allow ourselves to be infatuated with fairy tales about others and their current situations, because, possessing a ‘fairy-tale’ mind set makes their situation much easier to digest from a perch of unacceptance and disbelief rather than to show them sympathy and empathy as they maneuver through their muck and mire?

Is it fair to say that most if not all of us have given Hollywood a front row seat in the psyche of our everyday lives assuming that we are all becoming numb to the realities of our existences and have chosen to cater to; fact, fiction and fairy tales?  That we are more comfortable and maybe would rather accept being misled, rather than ‘burden’ ourselves to demand, that truth, that we continuously say that we believe in, that uncompromised truth, that researched truth, that statement of verifiable fact, that uncompromised understanding of separating the truth from fact, fiction, and fairy tales?

Melvin “Casey” Lars                                                                                     ?


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