Fact Checking List and Relevant links - WDKUMUS (CoViD-19 Fight) Series - Part 1.2
Continued from What doesn’t kill us make us stronger (WDKUMUS) - Part 1.1
Last updated: 27th March 2020, 2:02pm
Kindly contribute if you know of any reliable and trustworthy websites. Thank you in advance.
MOH - Ministry of Health
Singapore Government
- Updates on the COVID-19 situation in Singapore
- Whatsapp - Local: go.gov.sg/whatsapp
- Whatsapp - Overseas: go.gov.sg/whatsapp-overseas
- Stay Home for Singapore: www.sgunited.gov.sg/stay-engaged/
Getting Help
- To find a PHPC (Public Health Preparedness Clinic) clinic: www.phpc.gov.sg
- To find where to collect mask: www.maskgowhere.gov.sg
- Covid19 online symptom checker: www.sgcovidcheck.com
- If you are feeling chest pain/breathless/gasping for air, or any other emergency concerns, pls call 995 immediately! Don’t bother to check online by symptoms.
- TraceTogether for Mobile (App): www.tracetogether.gov.sg
- SG United Jobs Portal: www.sgunitedjobs.gov.sg
- To check how crowded malls are before going: www.spaceout.gov.sg
- Businesses to apply exemption for circuit breaker period: covid.gobusiness.gov.sg
Volunteering or Helping
- SG United @ Giving.sg - www.giving.sg/sgunited
- Stay home as much as you can, minimise going out to malls or parks unnecessarily.
World Health Organisation (WHO)