FACT: 22,000 Children Die Daily because of Poverty
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Customer Experience Leader | Resolving Complex Issues and Driving Satisfaction
FACT: 22,000 Children Die Daily because of Poverty. Don't believe me? Go on, Google it.
It is not by choice that these kids are born in geographical locations saturated with poverty, diseases and no hope, it is rather by destiny. That could've easily been you, me or our very own children. 22,000 daily, wow, that is a large number. We can't change that, it is up to our world leaders to take the necessary steps. The point to this blog is, to open the eyes of many entrepreneurs (including myself). You are blessed to have what you have, I agree, it is not by luck that you are successful, rather than through hard work. But had destiny chose you to be born in a different country where you can be the hardest worker and smartest in the village, you might've not even made it to see your 4th birthday. With that said, God bless the USA and be proud, not arrogant of what you are. Do not look down at the less fortunate cause it is not by choice, it is by destiny. All men are created equal regardless of skin color, religion or numbers in our bank account. We all have the same building blocks, organs etc. but at the end we all end up in a box with no money. I completely agree, money changes lives, but don't let it change who you are inside. Be thankful! 9/11 A.V.