Facing Your Fears is Just One Courageous Step Away

Facing Your Fears is Just One Courageous Step Away

You hear a rustle in the leaves in the forest - You are sure ITS A Ferocious LION !!!!

You are certain you will not be able to face whatever it is! 

And then when you find the courage to go investigate

Then what do you see - Its a RABBIT.  


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You don't DIG in when you are triggered because you are sure its a LION

You think it's too scary to deal with it!!

When you actually go in - you realise - it’s not as bad as you thought it was. 

Even IF IT IS a LION. You still need to FACE it right? 

You can't deny and believe it's NOT there. (most light workers do this)

This energetic LION is not like the PHYSICAL LION. It CANNOT gobble you up. 

You just need to STARE it in the EYE and it will retreat and become a Rabbit or Goat or just DISAPPEAR. 

Because you see the POWER you think that the LION has - has actually been given by YOU to the LION

As soon as You take YOUR POWER Back - the LION becomes POWERLESS 

Not many know this. 

If they KNOW it CONCEPTUALLY they don't know HOW TO DO IT 

I DO - I am a walking testimonial of this WORK! 

DO you want to learn to TAKE YOUR POWER BACK?

I am teaching you the exact STEP BY STEP Method of how to do this in the


Starts 11th May - 8 weeks - 10 seats - 5 are taken - only 5 left.

Book a call - link in the website to see if it is a good fit for you.


Alpa Kapadia Teli, PCC, Coach的更多文章

