Facing the unknown
Jo Robinson-Howarth
Helping you to prioritise your mental and emotional wellbeing every day | Founder of The Happiness Club membership | Professional Speaker | Therapist | Trainer |
Greetings everyone!
Recently I spoke at a conference in Liverpool. Well, actually I was on a Q&A panel. The day of the event I had literally no idea what to expect, I couldn't prepare anything because I had no idea what questions would be asked. I had no clue as to what the other panelists’ views were on life, the universe and everything and I had no idea who would be attending.
And yet I was excited. Years ago I would have been petrified, being put on the spot and having to come up with an answer would have sent me into nervous, fearful spasms. I would have run a million miles from it. On that day I was excited to find out what happened, I was looking forward to seeing what other people had to say and to telling them my truth.
Does the 'unknown factor' stop you from doing things? If you're unsure exactly what might happen do you shy away from trying something?
Can I tell you a secret? Everything is unknown until it happens. Everything.
There are things you can plan for, there are things you are used to doing so often that there is an expectation of what will happen but actually everything is unknown until it happens.
How great is that? You face the unknown countless times every single day and you survive. Ace.
For my FREE ebook "7 Days Of Happiness" click here: www.thehappinessclub.co.uk/freebies/