Facing Uncertainty during COVID-19
Who doesn't want to be comfortable?
Humans are, in essence, control freaks in one way or the other. Stability gives us a sense of security and comfort. Risks are ok as long as we can calculate them. The truth is, nothing is certain, and we have no control over what happens whatsoever. Covid-19 really drives the message home that change is the only constant.
Uncertainty forces us to rethink, to face our fears, to let go of limiting beliefs and possibly more because it forces us to entertain the loss of life, of finances, possessions and relationships. It can make or break us, but it all depends on how we deal with it.
The current situation raises so many questions, but there are no answers. Only time will tell.
It's horrifying on the one hand. On the other hand, there is so much freedom in the unknown. It allows us to ask questions, to leave the well-trodden path and to experiment and to experience the unfamiliar.
How many of us were all wrapped up in the common thread of daily life? We are forced to unwrap ourselves now, even if it makes us dizzy.
Curiosity is not a luxury anymore; it has become a form of survival, a necessity. Now is the time to ask (uncomfortable) questions, to get creative, to think more and beyond? Otherwise, you won't find your answers.
In a world full of uncertainty, you can find stability within yourself by asking the following:
- What other skills and talents do I have?
- How can I be of service?
- What can I change?
- What new (skills) can I learn?
- What can I be grateful for?
Try to embrace and focus on the current moment, because there is always the certainty of now. That's where 100% of your power is.
It's ok to be afraid, but don't dwell in your fears as they will paralyze you. Get active. Do something even if you just share where you're at. Have the courage to be vulnerable. Nobody can help you if you don't open up.
If you are reading this, you are breathing. Right now, you are ok, and one thing is for sure: Nothing will stay as it is. Even the bad days will eventually be over. We are all in this together. Let's find ways to support and help each other to get through this.