Facing Mood Swings
Chathurie Nupearachchi
Physicist with good vibes while acting multiple roles as a lecturer, researcher, education consultant, STEM activist, writer and speaker
How to face the mood swings due to various reasons?
Actually, a mood swing can be an intense or sudden change of person’s emotional state where the particular person may quickly switch from a happy state to a sad, angry or irritable state. These can occur in students due to many reasons mainly because of lifestyle factors (such as parental or peer pressure, romantic relationships) that are actually significant life changing issues. Even if the students feel stressed or overwhelmed or do not get enough sleep or do not eat healthy foods, then these issues also can trigger mood swings. In addition, there are mood altering conditions in both females and males such as in borderline personality disorder, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, persistent depressive disorder, cyclothymic disorder etc. Some mental conditions such as disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia etc. can contribute to mood swings too. Significant mood swings can be related to excessive usage of certain drugs and alcohol as well. Particularly during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause, the hormonal imbalances additionally cause mood swings in females.
If you have mild, occasional mood swings that do not impact the quality of your life, then treatment is not necessary. In most cases, people’s emotions can come to equilibrium in few hours or days. But if there are regular, severe, persistent mood swings for a longer period, then that can indicate an underlying condition which needs to be treated. There can be treatment options like medication, psychotherapy along with lifestyle changes of the person. Getting adequate sleep, adjusting your diet with healthy options, getting regular exercises, doing meditation, keeping a journal to track your mood swings and the causes that triggered the mood swings, aromatherapy etc. are few things that you can do from your side to cope mood swings while getting the social support.
Mood management can be a tedious task for some students, but you are not alone. Try to avoid isolation because it is better if you can reach out for help when you notice the signs from yourself. You can also encourage others who might be struggling to reach out for help in mood issues.
The following link provides tips for mood swings management.