Facing Fear in the Corporate World: A Call to Action for Creatives
Alexander Castro II
Creative Director for APAC | Global Collaborator | Recruiter | Marketing. Branding. Advertising. Design Thinking. AI.
Creatives, you know the type: artists, writers, musicians, the dreamers, the ones who see the world in a different light. They’re the ones who make the world a more beautiful place, but unfortunately, they’re also the ones who are constantly at war with structured organizations. They loom over us like skyscrapers, these monolithic corporate behemoths, their logos emblazoned on every surface, their tentacles reaching into every aspect of our lives. It's no wonder that those independent-minded souls who value originality and authenticity above all else, harbor a deep-seated fear of these corporate giants. The fear of losing one's creative integrity, of becoming a mere cog in the corporate machine.
But is this fear justified? Do creatives need to be so wary of corporations? As with most things in life, the truth is a bit more nuanced.
As a creative, it's no secret that the corporate world, can often feel like a nightmare. The very idea of being swallowed up by a faceless, soulless entity, with no room for creativity or individuality, is enough to strike fear into the hearts of even the most confident artists.
But it's not just a fear of losing our creative spark that plagues us - it's the fear of being taken advantage of, of being used and abused for the profit of others. The thought of being a pawn in someone else's game, with no control over our own destinies, is a truly terrifying prospect. But here's the thing - we don't have to feel this way. We don't have to let our fears and frustrations consume us. Instead, we can use these opposing forces to our advantage, and create a better situation for everyone in the process.
Here are a few things that I find helpful to overcome fear:
It's important to recognize that these organizations are not inherently evil. They're simply entities that exist to make money - and while they may not always have our best interests at heart, they're not instinctively opposed to creativity or individuality.
The fact is, they need us just as much as we need them. They need our unique perspectives and talents in order to stay relevant and competitive in an ever-changing world. And we need them in order to reach a wider audience and make a living doing what we love.
It's a fair trade.
So instead of fearing them, let's start embracing the idea of co-existing. Let's start working with them, instead of against them. By doing this, we can create a more symbiotic relationship that benefits everyone involved.
Let's have a look at the world of advertising for example. We all know that it can be a cutthroat industry, with big corporations demanding cheaper and cheaper rates from freelance creatives. But what if we started approaching it differently? What if we started working together to create campaigns that are not only effective, but also truly meaningful? What if we started using our talents to create advertising that actually adds value to the world, instead of just trying to sell products?
The possibilities are endless. We could create campaigns that promote environmental sustainability, or that support local businesses. We could work with non-profits to raise awareness for important causes. The point is, by working together and using our talents for good, we can create something that is truly impactful and meaningful. And it's not just advertising - this applies to all areas of the creative industry. Whether you're a musician, a writer, or a visual artist, there are always opportunities to work with the conglomerates of this world and strike a balance that promotes growth. We only need to understand that all of us just wants to win. That's why we should keep our guards up and maintain vigilance in keeping an honest outcome for this mutual exchange. We need to hold ourselves accountable when we do wrong. By working together, we can create a more equitable and just world for all creatives.
So don't let your fear of corporations and corporate environment hold you back. Instead, let it be the catalyst for change. Together, we can create a world where creativity and individuality are valued and celebrated, and where everyone can thrive. It's not easy, but it's definitely worth it. And as always, fuck political correctness, be yourself and always strive for excellence.