Facing the complexity of lack of wellbeing and unnecessarily high sick leave

Facing the complexity of lack of wellbeing and unnecessarily high sick leave

"We recently presented the revolutionary root cause analysis. A unique data-driven insight into the top 10 leading causes of sickness absence. It shows that more than 50% of all sickness absence is non-medical and is instead due to a lack of leadership and poor organization of work, to conflicts in work groups or personal private challenges. Causes that can all be prevented to a large extent with a more systematic and responsive leadership" - Aino

"Aino is like a comprehensive engine that delivers facts, data and analysis continuesly, leading to triggers and proactive actions ... the entire system works for you nit the other way around... and the value has so many parameters." - Adecco        

Allow a brief reflection and recommendation to the world to reach out to above players!

Yes, the world. The current sick leave / lack-of-wellbeing-challenge is global and no one seems to know what good looks like. If they do, they are still not empowered to act on it, not sustainable.

I joined this webinar today where Adecco, PwC and Aino shared some mind blowing insight. I am especially impressed by Adecco to share their story from 6-3,7 % sick leave, using AINO Helath Manager as the engine to provide facts, insights and structure. Aino and PwC framed this knowledge exchange with trustworthy data. In my world Aino is the Due Diligence engine as refererred to in the social sustainability agenda of ESRS S1 and S2.

Not that 6 % in Sweden is considered a normal term. It is still not good. It should medically be 1,2 % for white collar and 3 % for blue collar. Said that 3,7 % is a good number.

What do you have?

Complex systems has the characteristic of being unpredictable, fragmented, unknown and the approach is to Probe – Sense – Respond.

To do that we all need to analyse and synthesize as a habit before it ends up as a rehab case. Adecco explained how they do this using Aino to connects the dots in time so Adeecco can act on triggers and analyze.

Most companies and nations treat sick leave as it is a stable or complicated phenomenon

Today a dominant majority are reactive with complicated rehab processes to stay compliant whilst outsourcing to operational health care providers. By then it is too late and will only cost money. The case Adecco-Aino-PwC describes is the difference between doing good vs avoiding bad/ being compliant. What if coimpliant meant to have a fire detectors for people health and wellbeing?

So there is an abundance of underused potential in your existing workforce, removing friction whilst driving clarity and aligment is a trimming exercise of what already is.

I was not paid to write but am a part of the ecosystem above facing this storm together

My mission is to explore adapted organisational capability with higher. I work with organisations and the human capability to perform within. Human systems are also complex.

When 50 % ot the root causes for calling in sick is lack of leadership or unfit organisational design, that means the conservative national value for experts like me to release is at par with the Swedish defense budget! Add the company's own value from higher engagement and workforce productivity. Add the value of client and employee satisfaction from continuity and furture readiness. Etc.

Complex systems is my focus where I coach, consult and advise my client and their clients to make sense of what is complex; connect the dots between people, data and systems, think holistically and be brave enough to proact even no one really owns this task.

Said that, I rarely know who my own next client is. They must find me. Well, here I am.

Call me if your organizational life is complex! Maybe only some things are? Some may be chaotic, complicated or simple. Each are deserves a different approach.

At least call the three players above to get more insight if you missed this webinar! I am unable to share their presentation ... but since you read this far: You are now informed :-)

Welcome to Complexistan!

Sven Hultin / CEO, PCC coach, consultant and advisor KLINGEReyes

KLINGEReyes is a high performance consulting company empowering business leaders with innovation driven organisational transformation along?Inception?>?Innovation?>?Adaption.

[email protected] - www.klingereyes.se

In role a coach:


In role as consultant / advisor


Welcome to Complexistan

Sven Hultin

Explores adapted organizational capability with higher impact

1 个月

Ths swebinar was spot on brilliant and was indeed well prepared. Do you really want to understand why people get sick and how to prevent it? You should. Everyone benefit. Reach out to the hosts!

?sa Widegren Hopp

S?ker coach/r?dgivarroller & h?ller n?tverkstr?ffar!??ICF ACC COACH ??KARRI?RCOACH ??R?DGIVARE ??F?REL?SARE ??PROJEKTLEDARE ??

1 个月

Intressant b?sta Sven ????!


