Facing Christ at a Time of Extinction
Where Freud and Jung placed most of the weight of our patient into the nature of incest, Dave (philosopher) and Pete (school of thought) place the entire problem into the nature of pedophilia and suggest it creeps (Leviathan) down into us all through the nature of reason (typically masculine), not senses (typically feminine). This way it can spread itself out over time and remain concealed archetypically. The incest victim appeared in their asylums, not the perpetrator. The predator would absolutely be the patient, not the victim. The predator was turned into the hero/victim by the preserving or survival of the male reputation being placed above the female destruction in priority. That one unnatural adaptation promoted further by educating has brought down this entire planet and our evolution. That is an insane adaptation and having a female president or prime minister (one is not real-Jung) is simply a faith and not going to repair it. That is not an adaptation hence not belonging to anything scientific in development. This is a myth. What we are instinctively doing is balancing two light cones (the first number is two-Jung) and their roles, although completely dependent on each other, are not even remotely similar. Below (feminine nature) preserves a thought-source and above (masculine nature) tracks thought to reason thus permitting causality and life. If we do not perform these two functions of instinct (survival instinct, creative instinct or two fish) we will fall from real (existence) to unreal (temporal). That now places repair or salvation at the occasion of evolution and genetics as the conscious mind of the nonaddict is completely crippled, committing mass suicide involuntarily through crooked behaviors and has no way out of the maze: concluded, "can't be wrong" just as teaching has modelled it. At each person the pedophilia simply changes forms. The most likely place of first person is home where physical and mental touch is involved. But follow the path of the child. The next location would be in school where in the right hand professor openly and honestly professes philosopher (honor truth) is unnecessary and in the left hand off the table and behind the back is hidden (secret/arcanum) a philosophy of preserving the predator as a victim and charging the victim with patient upsetting natural roles and transferring such narcissism by Triangulation at third person involving entire populations. It descends back down to first person as if god (Zeus) from fourth person Tetragrammaton (self-producing) and a blame game now ensues. The pedophile is the patient 100% of the time, not ever the victim. Freud and Jung were dealing with the victims (incest/rape) of predators and not the patients (the predator) whom society were hiding and adapting with. The teacher is never the patient 100% of the time and the narcissist is also never the patient 100% of the time (can't be wrong). Odd coincidence isn't it? Pedophilia at second person singular "you" would work through exposing the child, not protecting them. It would be avoided altogether if the mind were remotely sane and moved to first person plural "we" before going off insanely to second person in singular form. This is why sani grammatically in etymology refers to person either singular or plural and shows up masculine or both but never just in feminine. I'll make a note here and say this is likely why women are XX but the male is XY because the female recessive balances the two light cones but the male is predatorial toward the X; or the Y that seeks to protect it or follow her trail. If reason (upper cone) does not lead from thought-source (lower cone) the temple collapses. No wonder the male killed off the high end female (Pythia) and said become equal at a white house (ultimate career) level. She did follow him into the workforce because there was not much left of the female following the tyranny of the male ignorance other than a now insane female displaying enough of the same ignorance to join it (project ignorance away). The light cones are crippled because the observer is insane and invents it's own world. What is the point of an observer if it must be taught? What is on this world is not glorious, it is frightening and the world's greatest virus expert, Fenner, essentially said we could even eat each other in the end. I agree and so did Hawking. We are experiencing a population explosion pending an extinction and would not take to many disasters to destroy our delicate natural food source and food chain. As it stands, mankind and this entire evolution is now most likely to end with cannibalism, volcanic activity, and nuclear war. 9 billion people say no no no teaching must be right, can't possibly be wrong even though what we are seeing is a complete disaster (mass insanity-CG Jung) on every level. Development (natural repetition) has been replaced by compulsion (unnatural repetition). We are even gassing all life to death on a day to day basis like Hitler and can't stop or prevent it. We are an enslaved work force and if one does not work they will starve, we are an ugly species at this particular moment (compulsion defeated reason) as compulsion says Jung takes on the face of the beast (Satan) and in the worst shape possible (UN report). We track thought-source because reason has severed from it and that is all we will eventually have. We were taught into an extinction with no thought of how to adapt or teach/behave out of it. Teacher won't strike to end extinction, they only strike for money which is exactly why we end at compulsion. Education detached parent from government as the primary contact and then kissed the governments ass for money as opposed to taking up the rights of parents which in natural priority the teacher also is parent first, even before career. Education places teacher above parent in priority in order to feel superior (Grandiosity/inflation). That priority was compromised; likely by an inferiority complex (deflation). This inflating and deflating would be the result of ascending and descending through first, second, and third persons blindly (projected ignorance away) and the singular form of "be" forever arriving at possession ("mine") never surrendering to the observational truth "our" in plurality while "mine" remains infantile. Once "I" sees another person, it does not become a "you" at second person (relativity), it becomes a "we" (reality) at first person. Thought-source is comprised of primal being and impressions formed by sensory perception and are unlikely to be generating our daemons through projecting ignorantly; not differentiating intellectually. One cannot possibly be without ignorance: it may only be disguised. Senses would simply be pressing up against the laws of physics without bias and creating forms. I bet we are not making impressions of Satan; or god. Jung suggested we project and until another theory comes along I suspect we will go extinct with that as the most probable theory. I display the light cones here to show how we project the past cone below into the earth as if Hades ("sightless") just as Jung said. The past cone has to be projected as there is no direct line of sight below us. I would think this is being done for the purposes of relating to mass from the point of view 0.0 mass, and possibly between being both constant (eternal light physics) and variable (temporal mass physics) called quantum physics. That would be the origin of demonizing (chained to matter) by uncharted reasons and fear that would stem, not from consciousness directly, but from a lack of integrity within the temple of the mind to support ignorance which must be real, present, and accounted for in every one of us or there could not be an eternal to support a temporal at the level of cause and effect (causality). Ignorance must be acknowledged and accounted for or dire results follow. Freud showed us the way, Jung took it and explored and man inflated into a god-man with no commitment to natural purpose of creation besides inventing the world (insane). Teaching does not theorize, we conclude teaching absolute. I imagine this creation dies off teaching every single time. Teaching is not accounting for one's own ignorance and drawing the conclusion educating can't be wrong while being can't conclude (eternal) and must ascend through persons as first person singular "I" is not actual (self is not fully known, not a noun) but archetypal (pronoun). The two poles of the narcissism spectrum are Pious Saint and megalomaniac. We would always end up in the narcissism spectrum and not on a reality plane (hypersurface of present. Last year we began a countdown to the "one day" Khunrath and Jung both described as a day of creation likely stemming from the "day of Judgement" theme stemming from revelations (John of Patmos). We have to keep in mind that Patmos is a small island that housed the temple of Diana/Artemis (moon). The fact that Diana and Apollo are the mythological twins of Leto and Zeus (blame god) cursed by Hera to be chased by a red dragon in revelations, makes the death of Lady Di amazingly meaningful (Wales is a red dragon) and she died in l'alma (alma is Portuguese meaning "Raise to the Goddesses"); Diana is the moon goddess, huntress, and ironically was the most hunted person in the world (paparazzi). When Jerry (actual name Joseph) died on the 2017 American eclipse he had the middle name Jerome which means Hera's wedding or what Paracelsus called the "exaltation in May" or last Saturday (dragon) in Taurus where Venus is exalted. This is the most likely reason the past coniunctionis involving Saturn/Jupiter-Zeus shifted to Taurus (marked the exaltation in May - high end female - and this one simply shifted from 3.0ish Aquarius (birth of Aquarius/Aeon) to 0.3ish Aquarius (read as 30 Capricorn). In our countdown we looked at the 21st of November where Ophiuchus shows as a daemon and on that day Prince Andrew was labeled daemon Andrew for his involvement with Epstein (pedophile). This we believe saved us from the final seal Prince Philip (means "love horses"/seals) as the symbols between 2.0 and 3.0 Aquarius are "Batten the hatches" suggesting Philip Mountbatten. But shifting to 0.3ish Aquarius read as 30 Capricorn alters this fate. As an adaptation at this point seems rather unwise, altering fate at a time of extinction seems more likely the wise solution. So what we will do here is display the symbols in the new alignment provided by some sort of physical law and instinctive occurrence. Remember that the light cones must display in the proper order of cause and effect and held constant by the speed of light or everything would be seen variable and out of order. The problem in the dynamics we are witnessing is the fact that the observer has ceased in natural function (mathematically, scientifically) and has gone insane thinking it is a creator (god-man complex/inventing nature). Without the Pythia and the poor old pedophile evil babies in cribs must be abusing, there is no way for our past light cone to support our future light cone and removal now is imperative (as if not existing/no sane order in priority). We have dropped below the form of actual and returned to the form of potential. That is our actual threat, the laws of physics can't support our bullshit which teaching has concluded can't be wrong. We also can't be contained after the marking and developing of person at 3.5 (end of third person beginning of fourth) We are struggling to get this done before we are annihilated so that we can have a successful exit (genetic event/natural evolution), not a sad and destructive ending (mass psychosis).
Jung said the Shulamite woman (Elisha, song of songs etc) would be undressed (exposed) at the end and we are suggesting she is Lucy as Elisha is asked to thank the Shulamite woman for her children before entering the temple and praying that all man go blind (Hades/sightless): this event likely took place on the hypersurface of present where the people were transported. There was something about to occur in plane sight that was not intended to be seen in that story of Elisha. This I am assuming is an act of instinct/Abby which is why David would place Abby at first person "I"; cause to occur (result). That was similar to the conscious selection Dave suggested in a 1981-82ish writing "The Original Complex" and which upon days after completing was met with an out of body experience involving Gabriel whom politely asked him not to mention this paper again until the blast of her trumpet was heard: Trump being elected we assumed was the blast of her horn. Gabriel had parted suggesting confirmation in the morning and in the morning David heard that his Nephew Mark Alexander (Philip is father of Alexander the great/inflation) had been born prematurely (Gabriel announced the birth of Christ/symbol of anointed). Just as the ancients saw Alexander as the beginning of the end so to did Alchemy claim to watch for Alexander at the time of doom (Maier/Jung). The very day we first wrote on linkedin about the the original complex some 36 years later Dave said this is core mystery (below) and we need a mark from above. That very day Mark jumped off a bridge above to the Don Valley Parkway below thus ending his life. Trump being elected was obviously her (Gabriel's) instrument. The one we call Lucy (female in evolution), but before our Lucy event, phoned the night of Trump's electoral victory saying she heard the sounds of trumpets but did not know why. These events led us to write articles surrounding our experiences such as what we see here involving the creation complex which now seems to be participating with us from within the unconscious yet sightless to the masses. We are participating with creation while the educated masses are wandering around like sheep (oblivious to a pending destruction) being unprepared for a slaughter (extinction). These articles led to an esoteric like event I call a dream where David felt he was awake but frozen and watched and listened to Amnael talk to Abby asking her to be Pythia (Apollo, twin of Diana slew the titan/inflation python) where upon she replied she would be the Pythia (symbol reader) of Athena (virgin-archetype): it was very much like a transfiguration type esoterica (Matthew 17:1-8). What this event tells me is that their is most likely a projection being placed onto the recessive allele and that this projection maybe highly critical toward our outcome. Of the three virgins Diana can only be raised up by moon triplicity (phases/developments) while Venus must fall in Virgo producing the prophesied child, and Athena whom never wanders from virginity (archetypal). The coniunctionis in 2000 in Taurus fell short of Taurus (Venus virgin) by timing and occurred on the 28th of May which is Gemini missing the union which means the virgin would fall (fall is in Virgo on the new moon; virgin birth). Hence Dolores (virgin Mary sorrows) O'Riordan died on Janet's birthday (new moon) in Aquarius and had her cause (watch the causlity here) announced 9 months (gestation) later on both hers and my birthday at the Virgo (virgin) new moon which had produced the dual mothers (prophecy of twins) in 1997 nd 1998 and twins on 9/11. Dolores lived on Buckhorn lake next to our lake (Stoney) and buckhorn means Artemis/Diana. The next day following the Pythia/Amnael dream, a Python was reportedly found in Australia covered in ticks, rescued, and named Nike. Athena had accidently killed Pallas, her friend, in battle and raised her daughter Nike whom was the first human form (archetype) attached with wings (spirit). Watch how Trump ("trumpeter") is transitioning out of the white (moon) house (head of state/protected in 9/11-flojo symbol saved it) and Biden (bien-"ocean"), the collective unconscious (instinct) is moving in, just at the very time of this coniunctionis which in 2000 year intervals had last produced Christ and Moses; powerful myths, overpowering symbols. The Olympian gods defied the titans or overcame inflation to stand at their mother Wisdom (Sophia). Goliath comes form Golyat meaning "uncover" or "reveal". David defied Goliath (inflation) to reveal "secrets" beneath inflated egos (secrets held in the collective unconscious). It is as if a chess game is played with symbols on the hypersurface of present with the laws of physics. The Greeks displayed it this way as well. Temple was aligning our two light-cones correctly (sane) while protecting the vulnerable while religion and education destroyed the observer and exposed everyone to peril. Not knowing is innocent and atoned: knowing and still continuing is sin and fated. This is why one is best to remain in Passover no matter the arguments made by economic leaders, governments, and educators. Passover is for atonement (recognize faults/patient). After the dual mother (Diana and Teresa) died on the virgin/virgo new moon eclipsed (double up) the following virgin new moon the unicorn (tamed by virgin) calls upon a second dual mother and Fergie's (the other recently divorced daughter-in-law to the Queen) mom Susan Barrantes (decapitated in military jeep eloping/Chymical wedding) and FloJo died on the 1998 virgin new moon. The Sabian symbol for the moons node (fate) going retrograde (karma) was a case of Apoplexy (stroke/head) and Flo Jo died of a seizure caused by a stroke like symptom in her head. On the 9/11 virgin new moon the twin (Apollo/Diana) towers fell, the military headquarters was struck (Pentegon/decapitated-military jeep) but people on the fourth plane ran (floJo) down the aisle/lane and crashed the plane that would have struck the head of state (white/moon house) crashing in Pennsylvania instead of Pennsylvania ave. That is salvation (synchronicity) at it's bloody finest. If we accomplish what this evolution set out to do, resolve third person and mark fourth person and become one's own person, we should have an evolutionary ending event, not a natural disaster ending. Theoretically 0.5 in persons (first, second, third) is the sense of an indefinite whole (expanding universe proven by Hubble and Saul Perlmutter) while at 3.5 we should have a sense of an indefinite being and emerge from an expanding universe (conjecture/Paul Erd?s on Theory of relativity). Mankind as a conscious form is of no use here because he did not fully observe his world (sane), he invented it (insane). This is happening because the philosopher's defy inflation and define themselves as "ignorant" while the teacher defies ignorance and inflates piously into savior (narcissism) to overcome an inferiority complex. The two symbols I want to look at here, the total eclipse of the sun complete in Chile on December 14th at 23.8 degrees Sagittarius and 7 days later the Great Mesopotamian conjunction (brought Moses/Christ-anointed) on the 21st at 30 degrees Capricorn. Yesterday in my previous article Wikipedia had it listed as Aquarius but today they had it listed a Capricorn as well suggesting something in time-line is still happening or people are just having trouble locating where this conjunction is going to actually end up happening. Mesopotamia warned us to watch this one and already we've never seen anything like it. The last two paragraphs are mere cut and past so that they may be read just as they are at this site (The Sabian Symbols). I use Sabian symbols at the time of core mystery and journey into the underworld because the Sabaens performed human sacrifices (decapitation) in honor of the dead (gruesome).
Solar Eclipse, December 14th 23 sag: (SAGITTARIUS 23°): A GROUP OF IMMIGRANTS AS THEY FULFILL THE REQUIRMENTS OF ENTRANCE INTO THE NEW COUNTRY. KEYNOTE: Consciously accepting the ways of a new stage of experience, in readiness for the opportunities it will present. As we pass any threshold leading to a new realm of existence we have to meet certain requirements and the necessity to adjust to new ways of life – in action, thought and feeling. At times this may seem an ordeal but it is inevitable. Everything that will follow depends largely on how we cross this threshold, and on the spirit in which we meet unfamiliar and perhaps shocking experiences. At this third stage of the fifty-third five-fold sequence we face a combination of the two preceding symbols. We find ourselves in a period of TRANSITION. *Note from Abby: The key words here to me are new realm of existence, pass any threshold, cross this threshold, shocking experiences. Remember that eclipse means "leaving". What David and Abby are attempting is a conscious selection performed by a trusting instinct to transition "us" in by evolutionary event rather than volcanic, human insanity event removing us from mass (Einstein's hypersurface of present/cones) to the collapsed twin towers or star of David (no mass).
The Great Conjunction December 21:
(CAPRICORN 30°): A SECRET MEETING OF MEN RESPONSIBLE FOR EXECUTIVE DECISIONS IN WORLD AFFAIRS. KEYNOTE: The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power. We are all aware now of the work of secret committees in the White House and at all levels of the government. The student of esoteric philosophy believes in the existence of what has been called an "inner Government" which has the power to direct or guide the evolution of our planet and of mankind. Some people speak of "occult Hierarchy," or of the "White Lodge." Here again what is at stake is a "seeing through" the facts of telluric processes and human history — assuming that these facts are at least in part the outcome of the decisions of a supreme Council of quasi-divine Beings. Obviously the symbol can also refer to what occurs at the more ordinary level of business and politics. At any level, it refers to the highest form of social interaction. This is the last symbol belonging to Scene Twenty and related to the zodiacal sign Capricorn. We see in it the culmination of social responsibility and a reference to EXECUTIVE POWER. *Note from Abby: firstly the white lodge reminds me of Halen ("secret chamber"). Also, recall we said in our last article yesterday that we could not transfer the event into the States, now look at the white (moon) house all over this because of that 3 degree change in the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction which even baffles NASA. Around the beginning of Covid we were contacted by a US Senator with a phd in quantum mechanics. He took a shine to our light cone theories. We spent hours on the phone. He passed us on a whole lot of private information. We believe a transference of arcanum (secrets/keys) took place there at the level of third and possibly fourth person (ascension). Remember the white (moon us white lady-Graves) house will transition at some point and this may become a critical point (Trump, Gabriel's instrument and Biden "ocean" or collective unconscious). Note the transfer of symbols here. The key words to me are DECISIONS IN WORLD AFFAIRS, assume responsibility for crucial choices, esoteric philosophy, "inner Government", direct or guide the evolution of our planet, "occult Hierarchy,", "White Lodge.", supreme Council of quasi-divine Beings, culmination of social responsibility About a month ago the symbols of our Great Mesopotamian conjunction went from storm, ship, and batten the hatches to this what you just read. We were simply going to face a sad extinction and still possibly may. However insane Dave and Abby may be viewed we are not without hearts and minds aligned with the best interest of all life right down to the last blade of grass which is why instinct likely selected Dave and Abigail mentioned in the bible as the final philosopher because of familiar relationship with Yahweh at fourth person (3.5 to 4.5). Something (male archetype), it would appear, has stopped and listened to our crying and weeping (Rachel, female archetype) for the children. This is why David is willing to share Abby at this time. That is exactly where we want the union of opposites to occur: Eurynome dancing on the ocean (Biden) calling out to her lover Ophion (the phallic serpent/Clinton impeachment); the original Greek creation myth. An archetype is an image of instinct and the pupose of instinct is to seek and attain consciousness. What we have set up is one archetype (she is) crying for her other at third person (he is). The anima (Abby) must be the mediator in a union of opposites (CG Jung). That, ultimately is why one does a core mystery, to achieve Hecate/monism or pre-dualism where originally Hecate was simply sun and moon not just the moon goddess that eventually became Diana. That is why symbolically the twin towers had to fall no matter how it was produced (fate, no choice). Jung said "The division into two was necessary in order to bring the "one" world out of potentiality into reality". In the beginning God (physics we don't understand) created the heaven and the earth (above and below)". That sounds very much like special relativity and the two light-cones plus something far more developed and compassionate than us: wisdom, as the top development, always comes last ("Wonder Gadot" a horse/seal that sacrificed a triple crown to mark two/ Waiting for Godot-Samuel Becket). Wonder Gadot's (named after Jewess Gal Gadot-chosen people) trainer Mark Casse (Cassandra) means mark prophecies no one would believe. Left and right hand of god, justice and mercy (Midrash Rabah): Justify/seal won the triple crown marking three, Wonder Gadot then won the first two legs of the Canadian triple crown before opting out of the triple crown wisely marking two (Christ/door) and went to the USA for the breeders cup where she wisely came last marking first Christian boy/anointed and the midpoint vina rosa - blood of Christ. The path of ascension through persons to second and third person was wisely marked and prepared. We are about to be blessed: who has not tried? Who does not deserve to be loved? Which one of us does not make mistakes? ... Dave and Abby
hello world
3 年Wow.... Insightful. If one needs a reason(s) to live, a lot to grab onto. I do not need a reason/reasons. Very interesting core points.
hello world
3 年The Pedophile/villain at one point takes a bunch of boys to a place called "White Chapel" in Kingston Peninsula, New Brunswick. Where we discover that the Villain isn't working alone. Other vile men(elite members of society) appear and join in and molest drugged boys.