Facing CA Exam Setbacks? Navigating the Road Ahead for PQ Accountants
Andrew Murphy
Director at Finesto (Ceres Financial Talent) | Audit, Risk, Tax & Finance | Co-Founder at TrusteeConnect
In the past few weeks, several part-qualified accountants have reached out to me, expressing anxiety about their upcoming professional exam results from ICAS and ACCA. The harsh reality is that the possibility of failure brings with it the fear of employment termination.
Drawing from my 5-year tenure with ICAS and closely working with their exceptional education team, I understand the challenges of CA exams and the implications of not passing.
Lets start with the positive: Over the past decade, I've assisted more than 50 part-qualified students in securing new training contracts after being let go due to exam policies. So if you find yourself facing this setback, remember, it's just a bump in the road, not the end of your CA aspirations.
Expecting disappointing exam results? Here's some pragmatic advice:
Final pointers:
Above all, best of luck with your exam results! And remember, should they fall short of expectations, it's a momentary setback, not a career verdict.