Facility Management Scope of Work: Addressing Common Issues

Facility Management Scope of Work: Addressing Common Issues

We all know facility management can be a lot like playing an endless game of Whack-a-Mole. As one problem gets solved, another gets raised. But for those who run critical infrastructure, these aren’t just basic annoyances—they’re mission-critical challenges. So let us look at some common facility management challenges and practical solutions to overcome them, while keeping modern reality in mind.

1) High Expectations with Low Budgets

It’s the age-old question: doing more with less. Budgets rarely keep up, and expectations for perfect facilities are sky-high.

Solution: Start by analyzing the cost of business as usual. Identify inefficiencies—regularly wasting energy and using outdated equipment generally rank among the top concerns. Use technology-based tools such as energy management systems or automated scheduling for upkeep. Such upfront investments so often pay for themselves, in cost savings and reduced headaches.

2) State with Aging Infrastructure

Ancient buildings and systems can be very much in the way. From creaking pipes to HVAC units sweating more than your Monday morning coffee, older infrastructure is a leading worry.

Solution: Periodically assess conditions and develop a proactive maintenance plan. Plan repairs or replacements strategically, rather than waiting for systems to fail spectacularly. It’s like regular health checkup for your facility—no drama, no emergencies.

3) Staffing Shortages and Skills Gaps

Skilled facility management professionals can be like a needle in a haystack. And add the trouble with holding onto them, and it’s a no-brainer: Staffing is no stroll in the park.

Solution: Invest in your current talent with robust training initiatives. Collaborate with vocational institutions or industry organizations to cultivate a talent pipeline. And don’t underestimate the impact of a thank you: Sometimes, a little recognition helps foster loyalty.

4) Embracing Technology and Adapting

Technology moves at a pace that would make a caffeinated sprinter wince and facility managers are often caught in the crosshairs of new systems, tools, and updates. Learning is a long journey with a high learning curve, and the resistance to change makes all of this even harder.

Solution: Start small. Test out new technologies in one division prior to a full-scale rollout. Collect input, refine, and charge ahead. And when you bring in change, market it as a fix for problems that already exist, not just another shiny piece of hardware.

5) Sustainability Aspirations versus Operating Realities

Everyone wants to go green—until they look at the bill. Sustainability efforts don’t always align with day-to-day operations.

Solution: Focus on finding quick wins such as LED lighting, low-flow fixtures, and energy-efficient appliances. These are low-cost, high-impact changes. For bigger dreams, like getting to net-zero emissions, create bite-size, attainable milestones. Think marathon, not sprint.

6) Communication Breakdowns

Ever played a game of Telephone? Misinformation travels fast, and when communication breaks down in facility management, minor problems snowball into major challenges.

Solution: Centralize communications with integrated facility management software. It keeps everyone—technicians and decision-makers—on the same page. Create a process to report issues and update information. And never discount the effectiveness of a good ol’-fashioned team meeting.

7) Compliance and Regulations Landscape

It's all very much a moving target with regulations. Maintaining compliance in between daily operations is not an easy task.

Solution: Maintain an updated checklist of applicable laws and guidelines. Appoint a compliance champion on your team—someone to keep a keen eye on regulations and ensure your facility doesn’t wake up with a startle. Seek counsel from compliance experts if you need help lightening your load.

The Underlying Reality: Content and Stuff vs. Algorithms

As someone whose working life revolves around facility management, I could not help but draw parallels between managing content (or documentation) and the facility. Both demand precision and adaptation and knowing that success is often determined by outside forces—algorithms that determine rankings, for example. You no doubt know that outcomes tell the whole story, but the real trick is finding that sweet spot between the mathematically successful and the emotionally engaging. And isn’t that the culture of contemporary facility management as well?

8) Emergency Preparedness

If there is one thing 2020 has taught us, it is to expect the unexpected. Whether it be a natural disaster or a cyber threat, facility managers need to constantly be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

Solution: Develop a comprehensive but easy-to-follow response plan in case of an emergency. Do practice drills so that everyone on the team understands their responsibilities. And remember to also invest in backup systems for critical functions—better safe than sorry.

Closing Thoughts

Facility management isn’t for the weak of heart. It requires persistence, ingenuity, and the guts to face challenges directly. By applying these solutions you will not only be fixing today’s problems but setting up the future for success.

So, take a deep breath, roll up your sleeves, and keep in mind: there’s a solution to every problem. It sometimes only requires a little ingenuity and a lot of grit to find it.



