Facilitating Miracle Healings - Creating & Holding Sacred Space
Michael Edward Bradford MA ? Ensuring Business, Personal, Financial Success
CEO ? Int’l Intuitive Exec Corp Breakthrough Coach, Consultant, Mentor ? Holistic Leadership Trainer ? Keynote Speaker ? Author ? Aligning People, Purpose, Passion, Consciousness, Values & Profits ? Advisory Board Member
Facilitating Miracle Healings
(C)2015, Michael Bradford - Rev 5.1
When a person is facing any extreme challenge, such as suffering from the advanced stages of a life-threatening health issue, what is the greatest service we, as friends, loved ones and healers, can offer? Recently a client contacted me, seeking assistance. Their team of medical doctors had given up all hope, saying there was nothing further they could do. The doctors also told the person they had only about four to eight weeks to live - and sent them home to die.
I’ve had the privilege of assisting a number of clients who experienced this. Although these are definitely some of the most challenging and intense healing situations, they also provide us with an extremely sacred opportunity to demonstrate the depth of our faith, trust, skills and spiritual convictions.
The question is, “What can we, as friends, family and healers, realistically do to make a massive difference and help to heal someone when all the medical approaches have failed and even the doctors have given up all hope?”
The good news is there is a tremendous amount each of us can do! In this article I share a number of crucial key elements, which will greatly enhance the degree of healing possible, regardless of the client’s present health challenges.
Incorporating these simple “Advanced States of Beingness” eliminates and transforms lower frequency thoughts and vibrations, while infusing the person with substantial amounts of positive, uplifting, life-affirming energies. The final decision on whether a person heals or not, and the degree of healing they accept, is always totally up to the person’s own spirit, higher self and soul.
This approach, while especially helpful when working with extreme cases, also works well in all cases, regardless of the type or the severity of a person’s mental, physical, emotional or spiritual challenges.
1) Action: Never think about, talk about or verbalise the medical names given for a client’s health condition. Eliminate all words and labels such as Cancer, Diabetes used by the medical community from your mind and your vocabulary.
Reason: Thinking, talking about and speaking the medical label to anyone, even friends or doctors, gives the health challenge an identity, amplifies its negative, destructive, debilitating power, and reinforces its identity, existence and severity. Talking about an illness gives it more energy and makes it more real. Only talk about and think about the absolute and total perfection of the client’s health!
2) Action: Whenever thinking about a person experiencing a health challenge, always see them in your mind’s eye as being absolutely and totally healthy, whole and complete. Always imagine them in a state of absolute total perfection.
Reason: This broadcasts a strong positive energetic force field, an imprint, which substantially positively impacts a person’s thoughts, can reverse and heal their health challenge, and reprograms them to have a positive, healthy RNA and DNA.
3) Action: Never imagine the person as a powerless victim or feel sorry for them. Always imagine, visualise the person experiencing a health challenge as being a God, a Master Creator, so powerful and all knowing they can instantly create any reality – including instantaneously healing themselves. Spirituality teaches us that we are all “Gods creating our own reality in each and every moment!”
Reason: This knowing sends a powerful message and an image to the person’s conscious, sub-conscious, super conscious mind and their soul, awakening them from their illusion of illness and reminds them of their true divine nature, their essence and their ability to instantly manifest a complete healing for themselves.
4) Action: Although sending healing energy is a helpful positive action, asking for, praying for and giving thanks for already receiving divine intervention is much more powerful. Pray asking God, Holy Spirit, the Angels and all the Beings of Light to intervene to assist the person to completely learn all their lessons, and to completely heal them on all levels, throughout all dimensions. Always ask for only what is in “The Highest and Best Interest of The Person”! Be extremely careful not to impose your own desires and expectations as this contaminates the results and may create Karma for yourself and the person asking for healing.
Reason: The Beings of Light and the Universal Life Force Energies are extremely wise and powerful. They know, a lot better than we do, exactly what the person’s soul needs, including whether it is best for the person to live or transition. Anytime we impose our human will onto the outcome, we may be doing more harm than good. Our highest action is to “Let go and let God/Spirit – and Trust”!
5) Action: Always communicate with a person from your heart and soul, directly to theirs. When sending healing, unconditional love, forgiveness or sharing positive memories, the person always energetically receives the messages. This can be achieved silently via thoughts, writing, by speaking or by talking softly to the person while they are resting. These are all extremely effective even when the person is in a deep coma or is thousands of miles away - they still hear you.
Reason: The entire Universe is energetically connected, like a giant Internet in the sky, and everything you think, feel and communicate will be received by the person you intend to communicate with. Regardless of the person’s mental state or the distance apart, on a soul level they listen, hear and understand you.
6) Action: Explore three important questions with the person desiring healing. The first is, “Do you believe in a higher power, something beyond yourself, be it God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Buddha, Great Spirit or another Deity?” The choice of higher power is personal and I don’t consider any deity or religion as being better than any other. This belief gives added support beyond the person’s ego and personality. The second question is, “Do you believe it is possible for you to fully recover?” To achieve anything, they have to believe its possible. The third question is, “What reasons, dreams, goals and aspirations does you have to live for?” A person needs to have tangible earthly reasons to fully commit to their healing and to staying alive. Help them to write this list, so they can reflect upon it and add to it from time to time. The greater their passion and commitment for living, the more motivated they will be to fully recover.
Reason: Of all the questions I ask people who are facing life-threatening health challenges, the answers to these three questions have proven to be the ultimate key as to whether a person gives up or passionately commits to their healing process.
7) Action: Eat healthy foods. This includes taking vitamins, minerals, whole food supplements, fresh fruits and vegetables. The body is a chemistry laboratory. The higher the quality of food eaten, the more positive resources your body has to repair and heal itself. Rest, quiet, relaxation, moderate exercise, drinking lots of pure water and only watching, listening to and reading positive uplifting materials are key. Avoid sugar, white salt, white flour, alcohol, soda, recreational drugs, cigarettes, stimulants, negative people, conflicts and upsets.
Reason: The more high quality nutrients and the more positive energy added to the physical body, the greater the person’s potential for a complete healing.
8) Action: The power of choice. We have the choice of whether to stay, to play, to learn more and to achieve more while we’re on the Earth plane. After all we have gone through, being born, learning to walk, learning to talk, going to school and much more, we often have the choice to leave the Earth, or to stay and to achieve more. Making the conscious (or subconscious) choice to stay allows us to learn and accomplish more in this lifetime. If we stay, we may be able to avoid coming back again to learn similar lessons. Earth is a schoolhouse – and we get to choose how much we learn each lifetime. Since we are here already, why not maximise our learning process and achieve as much as we possible can while we are here?
Reason: Although we all get tired, lonely and discouraged, its best to challenge ourselves, to stretch and to learn as much as we possibly can while we are here on Earth. The Earth plane is a very special unique place. It’s the only planet, the only schoolhouse, in the Universe with dramatic polarities, the extremes of male/female, good/bad, black/white and right/wrong. These polarities are set up to challenge us so we learn to choose wisely. On Earth we test ourselves and learn to master how to act, react, interact and live in an ethical manner. If we leave the Earth plane before our agreed upon time, we just have to come back again anyway. So why not stay, remain open, receptive and learn as much as we can from our lessons. (NOTE: I’m writing an E-Book entitled “The Earth Journey of the Soul” – Please contact me if you are interested in reading it and giving me constructive feedback.)
9) Action: When I do coaching, consulting or healing, I start by intuitively, energetically scanning the client’s energy field to pinpoint the deepest underlying root cause of their challenges. These blockages are caused by unresolved shocks, traumas, losses and self-judgements. I discovered that the actual event, regardless of how horrific, did not cause the blockage! What created the blockage were the decisions they made about life and living. Transforming these were the keys to their healing and transformation. When a person changes their negative limiting beliefs into positive life-affirming ones, their blockages and challenges quickly dissolve, allowing rapid healing and transformation.
Reason: This discovery is the key, which allows me to assist a person in only a few sessions. Many healing approaches primarily treat the person’s symptoms - and are not able to identify or to resolve their deepest core issues; hence the process is more costly and takes substantially longer. Although this may sound strange, most of my healing work is done on the higher realms of consciousness, far beyond third dimensional reality. When working on higher vibrational and frequency levels, the information, healing and transformation are much faster and easier to achieve.
10) Action: Be a strong positive role model! Many religions glorify people who sacrifice themselves, become selfless servants, and take on the pain and suffering of the world. Although this is one approach to helping humankind, I propose another form of service, which I feel would serve this planet, and humankind, even better. I suggest each of us becomes the best, most healthy, functional, prosperous role model we can possibly be! By being a strong positive role model, we will inspire people and show them what its like to be a functional, yet divine, human being. This blending of sacred power, strength, courage, integrity, kindness, compassion, communication, love and kindness is the ultimate example of the balance of the healthy masculine and healthy feminine energies. This sacred uniting of the masculine and feminine is called “The Inner Marriage”
Reason: Many religions portray a religious person, especially saints, as being in poverty, putting the needs of others above their own – and of continually sacrificing themselves for others. It portrays them taking on, absorbing, the pain and suffering of others, even the world. The statement like the meek shall inherit the Earth is another image projected upon us. The fear of Hell has been used to scare people into submission, allowing others to dominate and control them. I’ve experienced Hell first hand. Hell is what a person experiences on Earth when they abandon and betray their true nature, give up their knowing and their power, and develop dysfunctional behaviours. Heaven is created on Earth when we take absolute and total responsibility for ourselves - are true to ourselves and to our soul’s purpose for being here. When we are being true to our own soul, we are automatically being positive functional role models for everyone around us – and we automatically serve the highest good of all concerned. This is our natural “divine” state of being!
11) Action: Play more, relax more and lighten up! Although at times we need to concentrate and work hard, we can also accomplish a lot by relaxing, being present and intuitively following our inner guidance. When we are “In The Flow”, the Universal Life-Force Energy naturally takes us where we need to go and shows us what we need to understand, experience and do. It also attracts to us the best people, resources and experiences we need. When we are too serious, scared or try too hard, we shut down the natural energy flow and limit our good. By divine law, we attract what we focus on. So relax, trust the process and focus on receiving amazing positive uplifting experiences in all areas of your life.
Reason: We get what we focus on. Fear and stress will contract and undermine the positive flow of energy, and will both limit and undermine the Law of Attraction.
12) Action: Have Trust and Faith in the process! “Do your best and then let God/Spirit do the rest!” Set your intention, do your absolute best and then let go of how the results are to manifest – to come to you! Although we all have to take responsibility for doing our best, if we try too hard, doubt ourselves and keep questioning how things are going to happen, we are actually undermining the natural creative process and the natural workings of Universal Attraction.
Reason: Imagine planting seeds and you keep wondering how the plants are doing. If you keep questioning and doubting the plants are growing, and if you need to “be “in control’ and “know”, then you just might keep digging up the plants to check to check if the plants are really growing. Obviously this will destroy and even kill the plants. The Laws of Manifestation work in the same way. Express your desire and then let go, trusting the Universe’s perfect deliver method and timing!
The soul knows if it is best for the person to remain on Earth or transition.
There is no “Right” or “Wrong” – There is only learning.
Focus on the outcome you want/desire, not what you do not want/desire.
Even in death, a person takes with them and benefits from all healing energy.
Michael Bradford - Phone: USA – 760-844-2778
Email: [email protected] - Skype: Michael.Bradford.Global
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