Facial recognition in one article
How facial recognition works——OC

Facial recognition in one article

How facial recognition works

Facial recognition is the process of identifying or verifying the identity of a person using their face. It captures, analyzes, and compares patterns based on the person's facial details.

  1. The face detection process is an essential step as it detects and locates human faces in images and videos.
  2.  The face capture process transforms analog information (a face) into a set of digital information (data) based on the person's facial features.
  3. The face match process verifies if two faces belong to the same person.

面部识别是使用面部识别或验证一个人身份的过程。 它根据人的面部细节捕获,分析和比较模式。

  1. 面部检测过程是必不可少的步骤,因为它可以检测并定位图像和视频中的人脸。
  2.   面部捕捉过程基于人的面部特征将模拟信息(面部)转换为一组数字信息(数据)。
  3. 人脸匹配过程验证两个人脸是否属于同一个人。

Face recognition data to identify and verify

Biometrics are used to identify and authenticate a person using a set of recognizable and verifiable data unique and specific to that person.

For more on Face recognition SDK, visit our saas web dossier.

Identification answers the question: "Who are you?"

Authentication answers the question: "Are you really who you say you are?"

Stay with us. Here are some examples : 

In the case of facial biometrics, a 2D or 3D sensor "captures" a face. It then transforms it into digital data by applying an algorithm before comparing the image captured to those held in a database.

These automated systems can be used to identify or check individuals' identity in just a few seconds based on their facial features (geometry): spacing of the eyes, bridge of the nose, the contour of the lips, ears, chin, etc.

They can even do this in the middle of a crowd and within dynamic and unstable environments. Proof of this can be seen in the performance achieved by Thales' Live Face Identification System (LFIS), an advanced solution resulting from our long-standing expertise in biometrics.  

Owners of the iPhone X have already been introduced to facial recognition technology. 

Of course, other signatures via the human body also exist, such as fingerprints, iris scans, voice recognition, digitization of veins in the palm, and behavioral measurements. 






让我们看一下,这里有些例子 :




iPhone X的所有者已经被引入了面部识别技术。


Why face recognition, then? 

Facial biometrics continues to be the preferred biometric benchmark. 

That's because it's easy to deploy and implement. There is no physical interaction required by the end-user. 

Moreover, face detection and face match processes for verification/identification are speedy.



这是因为它易于部署和实施。 最终用户不需要进行任何物理交互。


#1 Top facial recognition technologies

In the race for biometric innovation, several projects are vying for the top spot.

Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft (GAFAM) are also very much in the mix. 

All the software web giants now regularly publish their theoretical discoveries in artificial intelligence, image recognition, and face analysis to further our understanding as rapidly as possible.

Let’s take a closer look :


The GaussianFace algorithm developed in 2014 by researchers at The Chinese University of Hong Kong achieved facial identification scores of 98.52% compared with the 97.53% achieved by humans. An excellent rating, despite weaknesses regarding memory capacity required and calculation times.

Facebook and Google

In 2014, Facebook announced its DeepFace program, which can determine whether two photographed faces belong to the same person, with an accuracy rate of 97.25%. When taking the same test, humans answer correctly in 97.53% of cases, or just 0.28% better than the Facebook program. 

In June 2015, Google went one better with FaceNet. On the widely used Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset, FaceNet achieved a new record accuracy of 99.63%  (0.9963 ± 0.0009).   

Using an artificial neural network and a new algorithm, the company from Mountain View has managed to link a face to its owner with almost perfect results.  

This technology is incorporated into Google Photos and used to sort pictures and automatically tag them based on the people recognized. Proving its importance in the biometrics landscape, it was quickly followed by the online release of an unofficial open-source version known as OpenFace. 

Microsoft, IBM, and Megvii

A study done by MIT researchers in February 2018 found that Microsoft, IBM, and China-based Megvii (FACE++) tools had high error rates when identifying darker-skin women compared to lighter-skin men.

At the end of June 2018, Microsoft announced in a blog post that it had substantially improved its biased facial recognition technology.   


In May 2018, Ars Technica reported that Amazon is already actively promoting its cloud-based face recognition service named Rekognition to law enforcement agencies. The solution could recognize as many as 100 people in a single image and can perform face matches against databases containing tens of millions of faces. 

In July 2018, Newsweek reported that Amazon’s facial recognition technology falsely identified 28 US Congress members as people arrested for crimes. 

Key biometric matching technology providers

At the end of May 2018, the US Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate published the results of sponsored tests at the Maryland Test Facility (MdTF). These real-life tests measured the performance of 12 face recognition systems in a corridor measuring 2 m by 2.5 m. 

Thales' solution utilizing a Facial recognition software (LFIS) achieved excellent results with a face acquisition rate of 99.44% in less than 5 seconds (against an average of 68%), a Vendor True Identification Rate of 98% in less than 5 seconds compared with an average 66%. It also achieved an error rate of 1% compared with an average of 32%. 










通过使用人工神经网络和新算法,Mountain View的公司成功地将脸部与其所有者联系在一起,从而获得了近乎完美的效果。



麻省理工学院研究人员于2018年2月进行的一项研究发现,与肤色较浅的男性相比,微软,IBM和中国的Megvii(FACE ++)工具在识别肤色较黑的女性时具有较高的错误率。



2018年5月,Ars Technica报告称亚马逊已经在积极向执法机构推广其基于云的面部识别服务Rekognition。该解决方案可以在一幅图像中识别多达100个人,并且可以对包含数千万张面孔的数据库进行面孔匹配。



2018年5月底,美国国土安全科学与技术局在马里兰州测试设施(MdTF)上发布了赞助测试的结果。这些实际测试测试了在2 m x 2.5 m的走廊中12个面部识别系统的性能。

Thales使用面部识别软件(LFIS)的解决方案获得了出色的结果,在不到5秒的时间内面部识别率达到了99.44%(平均为68 %),与之相比,不到5秒的供应商真实识别率达到了98%平均为66%。与平均32%的错误率相比,它也实现了1%的错误率。

#2 Learning to learn through deep learning

The feature common to all these disruptive technologies is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, more precisely, deep learning, where a system can learn from data.

Why is it important?

Face recognition systems are getting better all the time. 

According to a recent NIST report, massive gains in recognition accuracy have been made in the last five years (2013- 2018) and exceed improvements achieved in the 2010-2013 period. 

Most of the face recognition algorithms in 2018 outperform the most accurate algorithm from late 2013.

In its 2018 test, NIST found that 0.2% of searches in a database of 26.6 million photos failed to match the correct image, compared with a 4% failure rate in 2014. 

In NIST's 2020 tests, the best facial identification algorithm has an error rate of 0.08% - that's less than one error for 1.000 images. (source: How accurate are facial recognition systems, CSIS)








在NIST的2020年测试中,最佳面部识别算法的错误率为0.08%-小于1.000张图像的错误率。 (资料来源:面部识别系统CSIS的准确性如何)

#3 Facial recognition markets

Face recognition markets

A study published in June 2019 estimates that by 2024, the global facial recognition market would generate $7billion of revenue, supported by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16% over the period 2019-2024.

For 2019, the market was estimated at $3.2 billion.

The two most significant drivers of this growth are surveillance in the public sector and numerous other applications in diverse market segments.

According to the study, the top facial recognition vendors include :

Accenture, Aware, BioID, Certibio, Fujitsu, Fulcrum Biometrics, Thales, HYPR, Idemia, Leidos, M2SYS, NEC, Nuance, Phonexia, and Smilepass. Understand the face recognition SDK.

The main facial recognition applications can be grouped into three principal categories.







埃森哲,意识,BioID,Certibio,富士通,Fulcrum Biometrics,Thales,HYPR,Idemia,Leidos,M2SYS,NEC,Nuance,Phonexia和Smilepass。了解人脸识别SDK应用。


What is facial recognition used for?  

Here are the top three application categories where facial recognition is being used.



1. Security - law enforcement

Automated fingerprint identification system

Forensic specialists can use Automated Biometric Identification Systems (ABIS) to compare multiple types of biometrics.

This market is led by increased activity to combat crime and terrorism.

The benefits of facial recognition systems for policing are evident: detection and prevention of crime.

Facial recognition is used when issuing identity documents and, most often, combined with other biometric technologies such as fingerprints (preventing ID fraud and identity theft). 

Face match is used at border checks to compare the portrait on a digitized biometric passport with the holder's face.

 Face biometrics can also be employed in police checks, although its use is rigorously controlled in Europe. In 2016, the "man in the hat" responsible for the Brussels terror attacks was identified thanks to FBI facial recognition software. The South Wales Police implemented it at the UEFA Champions League Final in 2017.

In the United States, 26 states (and probably as many as 30) allow law enforcement to run searches against their databases of driver’s license and ID photos. The FBI has access to driver’s license photos of 18 states.

Drones combined with aerial cameras offer an interesting combination for facial recognition applied to large areas during mass events. According to the Keesing Journal of Documents and Identity of June 2018, some hovering drone systems can carry a 10-kilo camera lens that can identify a suspect from 800 meters to a height of 100 meters. As the drone can be connected to the ground via a power cable, it has an unlimited power supply. The communication to ground control can’t be intercepted as it also uses a cable.

Facial recognition CCTV systems can improve performance in carrying public security missions. Let's illustrate this with four examples:

 Find missing children and disoriented adults.

 Identify and find exploited children.

 Identify and track criminals.

  •  Support and accelerate investigationsFind missing children and disoriented adults.
  •  Identify and find exploited children.
  •  Identify and track criminals.
  •  Support and accelerate investigations.








 脸部生物识别技术也可以用于警察检查,尽管在欧洲严格控制其使用。 2016年,借助FBI面部识别软件,确定了负责布鲁塞尔恐怖袭击的“戴帽子的人”。南威尔士州警察局在2017年欧洲冠军联赛决赛中将其实施。

在美国,有26个州(可能多达30个州)允许执法部门对其驾驶执照和身份证照片数据库进行搜索。 FBI可以访问18个州的驾驶执照照片。

无人机与航拍相机相结合,提供了一种有趣的组合,可用于大规模事件期间应用于大面积的面部识别。根据2018年6月的Keesing Documents and Identity杂志,一些悬停的无人机系统可以携带10公斤的摄像头,可以识别从800米到100米高的犯罪嫌疑人。由于无人机可以通过电源线连接到地面,因此它具有无限的电源。地面控制通讯也使用电缆,因此无法被截获。


  •  寻找失踪的孩子和迷失方向的成年人。
  •  找出并找到被剥削的孩子。
  •  识别并跟踪罪犯。
  •  支持并加速调查。

2. Health

Significant advances have been made in this area. 

Thanks to deep learning and face analysis, it is already possible to:

  • track a patient's use of medication more accurately,
  • detect genetic diseases such as DiGeorge syndrome with a success rate of 96.6%,
  • support pain management procedures.




  • 更准确地跟踪患者的用药情况;
  • 检出DiGeorge综合征等遗传疾病,成功率为96.6%;
  • 支持疼痛管理程序。

3. Banking and retail

This area is undoubtedly the one where the use of facial recognition was least expected. And yet, quite possibly, it promises the most.

Know Your Customer (KYC) with facial recognition online is sure to be a hot topic in 2021.


Because 64% of primary checking account openings were done online in Q2 2020 ( and 36% in branch) in the United States alone.

The pandemic has accelerated this emerging dynamic, and many branches are temporarily closed.

Besides, increased mobile usage urges businesses to have a mobile-first focus and develop fully mobile user-friendly onboarding experiences. 

During the selfie process, to avoid fraud using a static image, a liveness detection shall be provided by the technology. 

Liveness detection proves that the selfie taken comes from a live person.

The result?

Adapting to current customer preferences, financial intitutions (FIs) invest in digital onboarding through online and mobile channels.


毫无疑问,这一领域是最不希望使用面部识别的领域。 然而,很有可能它是最大的应用场景。










#4 Mapping of new users

While the United States currently offers the largest market for face recognition opportunities, the Asia-Pacific region sees the fastest growth in the sector. China and India lead the field. 

Face recognition in China

Face recognition technology is the new hot topic in China, from banks and airports to police. 

Now authorities are expanding the facial recognition sunglasses program as police are beginning to use them in Beijing's outskirts. 

China is also setting up and perfecting a video surveillance network countrywide.


尽管美国目前为人脸识别提供了最大的市场,但亚太地区却是该领域增长最快的市场。 中国和印度处于领先地位。





According to CNBC, over 200 million surveillance cameras were in use at the end of 2018, and over 500 million are expected by 2021.

The facial recognition towers in Chinese cities are emblematic of this move.

This is linked to the social credit system the Chinese government is developing

In the TOP 10 cities with the most street cameras per person, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Ji’nan are leading the pack.

London is #6 and Atlanta #10, according to the Guardian of 2 December 2019.

Chinese police are working with artificial intelligence companies such as Yitu, Megvii (in partnership with Huawei), SenseTime, and CloudWalk, according to The New York Times of 14 April 2019. 

China's ambitions in AI (and facial recognition technology) are high. The country aims to become a world leader in AI by 2030. 

Surprisingly, China provides strong biometric data protection against private entities AND increases the government's access to personal information.









Facial recognition in Asia

Facial recognition will be a significant topic for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo (postponed to September 2021). This technology will be used to identify authorized persons and grant them access automatically, enhancing their experience and safety. It's also being used in Japan for easier mobile banking access.

In Sydney, face recognition is undergoing trials at airports to help move people through security much faster and safer.

In India, the Aadhaar project is the largest biometric database in the world. It already provides a unique digital identity number to 1.27 billion residents as of December 2020.

UIDAI, the authority in charge, announced that facial authentication would be launched in a phased roll-out by September 2018. Face authentication will be available as an add-on service in fusion mode along with one more authentication factor like a fingerprint, Iris, or OTP. 

India could also roll-out the world's most extensive face recognition system in 2021. 

The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has issued an RFP inviting bids to develop a nationwide facial recognition system. According to the 160-page document, the system will be a centralized web application hosted at the NCRB Data Center in Delhi. It will be available for access to all the police stations.  

It will automatically identify people from CCTV videos and images. The Bureau states that it will help police catch criminals, find missing people, and identify dead bodies.









Other large projects

In Brazil, the Superior Electoral Court (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral) is involved in a nationwide biometric data collection project. The aim is to create a biometric database and unique ID cards by 2020, recording the information of 140 million citizens. 

Russia's Central Bank has been deploying a countrywide program since 2017 designed to collect faces, voices, iris scans, and fingerprints. But the process is progressing very slowly, according to the Biometricupdate website of 13 March 2019.

Moscow claims one of the world’s largest network of 160,000 surveillance cameras by the end of 2019 and is to be fitted with facial recognition technology for public safety.

The roll-out started in January 2020.

Russian law does not regulate non-consensual face detection and analysis.


在巴西,最高选举法院(Triplenal Superior Eleitoral)参与了一项全国性的生物识别数据收集项目。目标是到2020年创建一个生物识别数据库和唯一的身份证,记录1.4亿公民的信息。





#5 When face recognition strengthens the legal system

The ethical and societal challenge posed by data protection is radically affected by the use of facial recognition technologies. 

Do these technological feats, worthy of science-fiction novels, genuinely threaten our freedom? 

And with it, our anonymity? 

EU and UK biometric data protection

In Europe and the UK, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides a rigorous framework for these practices.

Any investigations into a citizen's private life or business travel habits are out of the question, and any such invasions of privacy carry severe penalties. 

Applicable from May 2018, the GDPR supports the principle of a harmonized European framework, in particular protecting the right to be forgotten and the giving of consent through clear affirmative action.

Yes, you read it well. There's now one law for 500 million people.

This directive is bound to have international repercussions. 

US biometric data protection landscape

In America, the State of Washington was the third US state (after Illinois and Texas) to formally protect biometric data through a new law introduced in June 2017. 

California was the fourth state as of January 2020.

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) passed in June 2018 and effective as of 1 January 2020, will have a serious impact on privacy rights and consumer protection not only for residents of California but for the whole nation.

The law is frequently presented as a model for a federal data privacy law. 

In that sense, the CCPA has the potential to become as consequential as the GDPR.

In July 2018, Bradford L. Smith, Microsoft’s president, compared the face recognition technology to products like highly regulated medicines, and he urged Congress to study it and oversee its use. 

In May 2019, US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez voiced her "absolute" concerns in a recent Committee Hearing on facial recognition Technology (Impact on our Civil Rights and Liberties).

More recently, a New York State law called the Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security (SHIELD) became effective 21 March 2020. It requires the implementation of a cybersecurity program and protective measures for NY State residents. 

The act applies to businesses that collect the personal information of NY residents.

With the act, New York now stands beside California.

Facial recognition bans (San Francisco, Somerville, Oakland, San Diego, Boston, Portland)

Privacy and civil rights concerns have escalated in the country as face recognition gains traction as a law enforcement tool, and, on 6 May 2019, San Francisco voted to ban facial recognition.

It is the first ban of its kind on the use of face recognition.

The anti-surveillance ordinance signed by San Francisco's Board of Supervisors bars city agencies, including San Francisco PD, from using the technology as of June 2019. 

Yes, this includes law enforcement.

As reported by the Boston Globe on 27 June 2019, the Somerville City Council (Massachusetts) voted to ban facial recognition, making the city the second community to make such a decision.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

  • On 16 July 2019, Oakland (California) took the same decision and became the third US city to ban the use of face recognition technology. It is interesting to note that the Oakland Police department is not using this technology and was not planning to use it.
  • San Diego took the same decision at the end of December 2019 in advance of the new Californian law. This new law (Assembly Bill 215) about facial recognition and other biometric surveillance) specifically prohibits the use of police body cameras in California. The ban is in place for three years as of 1 January 2020.
  • On 24 June 2020, Boston voted to ban face surveillance technology by police, as reported by the Boston Herald.
  • Portland (Oregon) decided its ban on 9 September 2020. The city is the first city to extend it to "private entities in places of public accommodation" such as private stores. (CNN).

Since the San Francisco, Sommerville, Oakland, and now San Diego Boston, and Portland rulings, the debate gets louder in many cities and not only in the U.S.

In Europe, at the end of August 2019, Sweden's Data Protection Authority decided to ban facial recognition technology in schools and fined a local high school (the first GDPR penalty in the country).

How to better regulate emerging technologies?


  • Should other cities or countries follow this example?
  • Is the ban just a "pause button" to better assess risks?
  • Is this a step backward for public safety?
  • Is there a policy vacuum? At which level?

Stay tuned for the outcome of all these discussions as the US Congress is getting pressure from activists to ban the technology and from providers) to regulate.

But there's still no Federal legal framework to address the issue as of January 2021.

The EU Commission is planning to act on the indiscriminate use of facial identifier technology. The European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen wants a coordinated approach to the human and ethical implications of artificial intelligence. She has pledged to publish an AI legislation blueprint very soon.

The final version of the European commission whitepaper is available online.

Again the questions of privacy, consent, and function creep (data collected for one purpose being used for another)are central to the debate.

Find more on biometric data protection laws(EU, UK, and US perspective) in our biometric data dossier.

India and its national biometric identification scheme, Aadhaar

In India, thanks to the Puttaswamy judgment delivered on 27 August 2017, the Supreme Court has enshrined the right to privacy in the country's constitution. This decision has rebalanced the relationship between citizen and state and posed a new challenge to the expansion of the Aadhaar project.

The Indian government, however, approved the use of the country's biometric EID program by private entities on 28 February 2019.

Rebound effect: the legal system and its professions get even stronger. 

As both ambassadors and guardians of data protection regulation, data protection officers have become necessary for businesses and a much sought-after role. 

















2018年7月,微软总裁布拉德福德·史密斯(Bradford L. Smith)将面部识别技术与高度管制的药物等产品进行了比较,他敦促国会对其进行研究并监督其使用。

2019年5月,美国众议员亚历山大·奥卡西奥·科特斯(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)在最近的一次面部识别技术委员会听证会(对我们的公民权利和自由的影响)中表达了她的“绝对”关注。









据《波士顿环球报》 2019年6月27日报道,萨默维尔市议会(马萨诸塞州)投票决定禁止面部识别,这使该市成为第二个做出此类决定的社区。





波特兰(俄勒冈州)于2020年9月9日宣布了禁令。该市是第一个将其扩展到“公共住宿场所的私人实体”(例如私人商店)的城市。 (CNN)。





  • 其他城市或国家应该效法吗?
  • 禁令仅仅是为了更好地评估风险的“暂停按钮”吗?
  • 这是为了公共安全倒退吗?
  • 有政策真空吗?在哪个级别?




欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯·德·莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)希望采用协调一致的方法来应对人工智能对人类和伦理的影响。她已承诺很快会发布AI立法蓝图。









#6 The rebels – facial recognition hackers

Despite this technical and legal arsenal designed to protect data, citizens, and their anonymity, critical voices have still been raised. 

Some parties are concerned and alarmed by these developments. Some have taken action. 

But can facial recognition be fooled?

  • In Russia, Grigory Bakunov has invented a solution to escape the eyes permanently watching our movements and confuse face detection devices. He has developed an algorithm that creates special makeup to fool the software. However, he has chosen not to bring his product to market after realizing how easily criminals could use it.
  • In Germany, Berlin artist Adam Harvey has come up with a similar device known as CV Dazzle. He is now working on clothing featuring patterns to prevent detection. The hyperface camouflage includes patterns in fabric, such as eyes and mouths, to fool the face recognition system.
  • In late 2017, a Vietnamese company successfully used a mask to hack the Face ID face recognition function of Apple's iPhone X. However, the hack is too complicated to implement for large-scale exploitation.
  • Around the same time, researchers from a German company revealed a hack that allowed them to bypass the facial authentication of Windows 10 Hello by printing a facial image in infrared.
  • Forbes announced in an article from May 2018 that researchers from the University of Toronto have developed an algorithm to disrupt facial recognition software (aka privacy filter).
  • In August 2020, the Verge detailed a "cloaking" app named Fawkes. The software imperceptibly distorts your selfies and other pics you may leave on social media. The tool is coming from the University of Chicago’s Sand Lab.





  • 在俄罗斯,格里高里·巴库诺夫(Grigory Bakunov)发明了一种解决方案,可以永久地注视着我们的动作来使眼睛逃避并混淆面部检测设备。他开发了一种算法,该算法可以创建特殊的外观来欺骗软件。但是,在意识到犯罪分子可以轻松使用产品之后,他选择不将其产品推向市场。
  • 在德国,柏林艺术家亚当·哈维(Adam Harvey)提出了一种类似的设备,称为CV Dazzle。他现在正在研究带有图案的服装,以防止被发现。超脸伪装包括织物上的图案,例如眼睛和嘴巴,以使人脸识别系统蒙上阴影。
  • 2017年底,一家越南公司成功使用面具来破解Apple iPhone X的Face ID人脸识别功能。但是,这种破解太复杂了,无法大规模实施。
  • 大约在同一时间,一家德国公司的研究人员发现了一个黑客,该黑客通过使用红外线打印面部图像来绕过Windows 10 Hello的面部身份验证。
  • 福布斯在2018年5月发布的一篇文章中宣布,多伦多大学的研究人员已经开发出一种破坏面部识别软件(又名隐私过滤器)的算法。
  • 2020年8月,Verge推出了一款名为Fawkes的“隐形”应用程序。该软件会无形中扭曲您可能留在社交媒体上的自拍照和其他照片。该工具来自芝加哥大学的沙子实验室。

#7 Further together – towards hybridized solutions

The identification and authentication solutions of the future will borrow from all aspects of biometrics. 

This will lead to a biometric mix capable of guaranteeing total security and privacy for all stakeholders in the ecosystem. 

In this kind solution, geolocation, IP-addresses (the device being used), and keying patterns can create a strong combination to authenticate users for on-line banking or egovernment services securely.

This seventh trend belongs to us all together.

It's our job to envisage it together and make it happen through high-added-value biometric projects.






Face recognition and you.

Now it's your turn.

Indeed, we can't claim to predict all the essential topics that will emerge in the short term future. 

Can you fill in some of the gaps?

If you've something to say on facial recognition, tech, or trends, a question to ask, or have simply found this article useful, please leave a comment in the box below. 

If you have a VIVO phone, you can quickly test the SDK.


I look forward to hearing from you.



  • This article introduces face recognition from 7 latitudes, which are:
  • # Top facial recognition technologies
  • #Learning to learn through deep learning
  • #Facial recognition markets
  • #Mapping of new users
  • #When face recognition strengthens the legal system
  • #The rebels – facial recognition hackers
  • #Further together – towards hybridized solutions
  • #An example of face recognition SDK application


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