Sleeping with any patient is?a heinous crime, potentially punishable by professional censure, loss of license, and even criminal charges. Dr. James Barbaria slept with me for 2 YEARS!!! and Dr. Richard Geist CONSENTED and ENABLED an arranged for us to meet in his office! The damage to me was catastrophic – as BOTH psychologists colluded with, and re-enacted, my core pathology.
It was like taking crack. It was addictive beyond compare. And it messed with my head, damaged my marriage, my sons, and I almost had breakdown, turning to alcohol for relief because I would NEVER allow myself to trust another therapist again!! ?Years and years later I am still not over it! I was sexually EXPLOITED by TWO PSYCHOLOGISTS!!
I am a broken woman. But I got up enough strength and courage to report these two sex predators to the licensing board and write several books about my horrific experience! I have posted the links to my books down below: