Facemask - Things you need to know

Facemask - Things you need to know

Masks have become a life-saving accessory and were also made a mandate when the pandemic hit its high. With the easing down of lockdown rules, the movement of people increased and wearing masks become a routine and several questions arise on when to change the mask, which need clarity.

Have all your doubts cleared, HERE.

There are 3 types of masks that are commonly used, a surgical mask, a cloth mask and an N95 mask. Doctors recommend N95 masks as they are the best, it's fine to wear the other two types of masks provided they give a proper fit and have three layers.

How to use and when to discard the N95 mask?

Its recommended to have five N95 masks to start with, number them as 1,2,3,4 & 5. On the first day wear mask No. 1, second-day mask no. 2 and so on, when you reach the sixth day get back to mask no.1, that’s on a rotation basis. At the end of 25 days dispose off all the five masks and begin again with a set of five new N95 masks. This accounts for each mask being used for five days that are spread out.

No washing is involved, saves time but is a bit on the higher side in pricing.

Surgical Masks

Surgical masks can be used for a maximum of 4-6 hours and then dispose of it in a covered dustbin. Any time while using, if you feel the mask has become wet or moist, replace it with a new one.

One-time use masks save washing time and effort, and they are comfortable. Suited for people who go out for a short duration and find it hard to breathe wearing a cloth or N95 mask.

Cloth masks or reusable masks

The best choice of cloth masks is the ones that are triple-layered. Make sure you buy a cloth mask that has a snug fit but at the same time does not create pressure on your nose. It's best to have a minimum of two masks. After a day’s use put it off for washing and let it air dry or preferably sun-dried, while you can use the other mask. When is the best time to change a cloth mask? It is best to change when the mask becomes loose and slides or when you find it hard to breathe through it or if the cloth has small holes due to wear and tear.

What’s equally important to ‘when to change your mask’ is where you place your mask while removing it for eating. Fold the mask such that the outside is exposed and place it in a polythene zip lock cover or a cover with a seal, do this after you wash your hands with soap or after using a hand sanitizer, this will give you a perfect cover against germs.

Pon Pure Chemicals Vooki brand manufactures quality?hand sanitizers ?which give 99.9% germ kill and at the same time leave your hand soft.


