Faced with courageous leadership, Tories take flight!
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Faced with courageous leadership, Tories take flight!

Words for St. George′s Day, 23rd April 2019

by Paul Dolan

BREXIT– an error of historical dimensions

After two world wars and 70 years rebuilding, Europe has brought forth the finest oak tree of nations ever grown on European soil. As never before in history, this oak unites Europe under its spreading limbs in peace, freedom and commerce. Brexit is an artificial attempt to sever England from its life-giving roots. Ingrained in England′s culture are 3,000 years of Continental intercourse, including royal traditions engrafted from Rome, Denmark, Normandy, France, and Germany.

The Brexit referendum was based on fallacious information, hoodwinking many British voters. Brexit is wrong for the future of Great Britain. Brexit is wrong for Europe. English, Scotch, Irish, and Welsh deserve and demand forward-looking, courageous leadership.


Waking to Big Ben′s chimes in 2016, most Brits suddenly realized that their country would soon be an outsider to the European Union. Was this a good thing? Some, who fell for disinformation spread by anti-EU promoters, thought, “yes!” Others weren′t quite so sure.

Months passed before millions of concerned British, recognized that they were chartered on a journey returning their country to a reckless, illusion of Great Britain′s 19th century empire (1805 – 1915). Guiding Britannia′s nostalgic cruise, David Cameron had bamboozled voters with false information, which led the majority a referendum to choose exiting the EU.   Paralyzed by the results, disbelief and shock rippled through population. “Parliament does not make foolish errors,” it was reasoned. “Politicians know something we don′t!” Surprisingly, David Cameron adroitly stepped aside allowing Theresa May to take the heat.

Second thoughts were confirmed as the new Prime Minister pursued Donald Trump to woo him into an alliance replacing the EU with the USA as Great Britain′s closest trading and alliance partner. Scurrying to the head of the line, as Trump′s first visitor to his White House in 2017, expectations for Theresa May were high. Britain′s prime minister was nonplussed by the new president′s superficiality and absence of interest. 

Ginning up her ante to win his attention, she threw in an invitation to meet Britain′s royal family. Unfortunately, Trump accepted. Blatantly ignorant of protocol, he did everything within his unwitting power to desecrate England′s most hallowed institutions, including perturbing the Queen and her Royal Guard and insulting his hostess. While Teresa May ignored Trump′s behavior, she merrily led him by the hand, exhibiting adoring coquetry. She showed little character with her flirts - which Trump ignored. Many were disgusted with her shallow attempts at diplomacy. Younger members of the Royal family aptly anticipated the disaster and avoided Trump-contact, while offended crowds protested Trump′s visit carrying signs with disrespectful messages in London′s streets.

Had conservative British politicians, recognized Theresa May′s incompetence at this point, they would have done well to replace her and rethink the future of Great Britain and exiting the European Union.

Nostalgic politicians steer toward chaos

Instead, they followed her into the murky shadows of the unwise and widely unpopular BREXIT. Oblivious, not only to millions of British, but also, for example, to 74% of the German population, which regrets Brexit, Teresa May continues to pursue a lose-lose strategy. Breaching 400 years of parliamentary precedent, she submitted the same Brexit deal three times, only to harvest the same number of rejections.

Havoc on the horizon

What is wrong with Britain′s politicians that they can′t read the signs of business evacuating the Island? Britain′s most sterling financial services branch is packing up. Automakers, suppliers, service industries are moving to Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain and Poland. Brexit and the absence of a deal will send the country into disarray: Disrupted supply chains to and from Britain, will cause food and medical shortages. Under-supply versus over-demand will spur inflation and ravage savings. Confusion in health care systems, work and residence permits will cause insecurity and pain for English and E.U. citizens everywhere.

Cross of St. George

Annually signaling the `Land of Hope and Glory′, in parades across England, the cross of St. George will not celebrate a day of pride for England in 2019. Parade grounds with HM Life Guards escorting the colors to stirring calls of trumpets, pipes and drums will take on a hollow tone. 

BREXIT is tantamount to desertion in the face of challenge: Instead of preparing Great Britain′s population to contribute to strengthening the most successful organization in Europe′s long history, British leadership is on the run, trampling over its gallant Union Jack to escape responsibility. Strengthening Europe is the challenge! Not turning away from it; not turning away from the challenges of leadership within the resilient Europe of the future! Withdrawal is cowardice and cowardly. British are stronger and better than their parliamentary leadership.

Great Britain′s leaders should glow with excitement and the opportunity to join with Germany, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy and others to lead 400 million forward in a free and peaceful world. Great Britain has powerful traditions and splendid values to share. Failure to recognize this opportunity is an error of historic dimensions.

 “…Guardian angels sang this strain: rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves.” The lyrics say nothing about taking flight in the face of reforming the land to strengthen peace, freedom and commerce together with Britain′s neighbors.

Farsighted leadership calls to stand and deliver!

British schools should promote learning foreign languages as never before. Innovation should excite technical schools and universities in all fields, from biotechnology, cybernetics, mechanical engineering and electronics to medicine, and renewable energies. Exchanges with Europe′s best universities should excite provosts at research universities. Preparing British youths to debate important issues within Europe′s governing bodies, should take priority over attempting to recapture illusions of the British Empire.

Generations of young entrepreneurs should focus on building new companies, creating jobs and a growing economy in emerging markets throughout the EU and benefit from EU-membership.

Attracting and educating Europe′s best and brightest, should be England′s goal – not turning its back on the manifold global opportunities opening for all Europeans.

British leadership has little to be proud of on this St. George′s Day.


Paul Dolan, born in New York City, is founder and chairman of the Economic Forum Deutschland e.V. an independent, non-partisan, and non-profit German association, headquartered in Frankfurt on Main and founded in 2002. He studied economics, history, and government while working in the United States Congress. Prior experience was gained as an entrepreneur in Germany, Europe and the USA as an international management consultant for high tech and financial services organizations. His articles and commentaries appear in German and American magazines and papers.

Copywrite, Paul Dolan, Boppard, Germany, 7 April 2019 


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