Jeff Brown
?? Photography Mentor & Best Selling Author ? Photography Business Mentoring, Accountability, & Support. I Help You Build a Highly SUCCESSFUL Photography Business ?? FOLLOW MY HASHTAG #CreatingSuccessfulPhotographers.
Many photographers I work with often come to me for help because their social media is failing them, all too often its because they aren't simply posting the right content at the right time and in the right way.
One of the best ways to really WIN of Facebook is to go niche, build your page around a type of client or service. If you're a photographer who does a bit of everything then don't put in all on one social media page, break it up and create different niche's, multiple pages and multiple platforms but make sure its manageable. I always say is better to be great at 2 social media platforms than to be crap at 5!! If you are going to do it right you need to be consistant and be posting every day that's the key to building a relationship.
Once you’ve created your niche, identified your market and set up your pricing strategy then you are ready to start building a following for your brand and there’s no better way to do it than through the world’s biggest social media platform Facebook. With over 1 billion active users around the world there are Facebook Pages and Groups for every niche and every interest you can imagine.
A Facebook Page is essential to your business, it allows you to connect daily with your followers, building their trust, reinforcing your brand message and growing a loyal community. The community you build and serve will be loyal to you and your brand only if the content you share is of value to them. This is something very important to remember, Facebook is NOT an ecommerce website, it’s a social media platform, and the key is in the name Social. Your followers don’t want to be repeatedly sold to, but if you give them great value content, tips, advice, share stories and client testimonials then when they are ready to buy you will be the first photographer they think of.
The best way to post on your Facebook Page is to devise a weekly posting schedule based around your niche, offering great value content that your followers will, like share and comment on.
For example if your run a Wedding Photography Facebook Page, then take a bit of time to think of the sort of content your brides to be will enjoy. Monday could be featured “Wedding Venue Day”, Tuesday you could post about the “Latest Must Have Wedding Essentials” and so on, remember give them content that they will value.
Only post a direct sales post once every 7 to 10 days, you don’t want to overdo the selling however there’s lots of other ways to create an impact for your brand on Facebook without selling it. Trying reviewing a product such as one of your premium wedding albums and use a client’s testimonial to sell the benefits not your own words. Another fantastic way to create a stir on your page is with a great prize give away competition but make sure you have runner up prizes so you can benefit from additional sale after the competition has ended. For example you could give away a FREE Engagement Shoots and Large Wall Canvas Worth £500 to the winner, but 10 runners up will receive £200 vouchers to use against the cost of any Wedding Story Book Package booked. To date my most successful Facebook Competition netted me over £30,000 of wedding books from just on post.
If you still need help then drop me a message, my Social Media Marketing Plan for Photographers could be just want you need.
Thank you for following and feel free to comment and leave any feedback, Jeff