Facebook Post Examples That Drive Engagement & Sales
??Suzanne Perkins??
??Experienced professional with strong relationship-building skills, positive personality, works well individually or in team settings, quick learner, hardworking, can handle multiple tasks and stressful situations??
Facebook Engagement For Business | 9 Examples to Make Sales on Facebook
Hey, Psst . . . Psst . . ., you want some great posts that actually improve engagement and lead to profits? Well, I have some great Facebook post examples for you.
Today I’m gonna share with you some great posts from several different industries that are engineered to specifically create engagement and lead to more sales so that you can start creating them for your business.
One super, duper important key element to making sales on social media is to get engagement from your audience.
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The more engagement you receive on your posts, the more people Facebook will show your posts to, which expands your reach and gets your message in front of more people, allowing you to make more sales.
That is why creating engagement is so important to your business and why I am continuing my series on Facebook engagement tips for business with these great Facebook post examples.
In order to get great engagement, you need to create great posts. So that is exactly what I’m gonna show you how to do today with the following examples.
I’ll show you nine great Facebook post examples from different industries that you can use to inspire you and help you create your own.
Be sure to stick around to the end, because I just might throw in a bonus example.
So, before we dive into that, if you’re looking to leverage the internet to get your message out, generate leads, and make sales then you definitely want to subscribe to my Insider Newsletter, as I have great content coming out for you all of the time to help you increase your Facebook engagement.
This may sound counter-intuitive, but in order to make sales in social media, 80% of the time your posts should NOT be promotional.
They should be value-based, either educating, inspiring, or entertaining your audience.
People are much more likely to engage and to share posts that they find value in, and the more engagement you receive from the non-promotional posts, the more people Facebook will show ALL of your posts, including your promotional posts.
So you should follow the 80/20 rule. Which is 80% of your posts should be pure value, while 20% should be promotional. Which each of these Facebook post examples follows the pure value in their posts.
And, you may have heard that before, but let’s dive into some specific Facebook post examples so you can see this in play in different industries and get some specific content ideas for your business.
Informs Your Audience
Let’s start with educational. This is something that informs your audience, gives them value through informing.
This Keto page (above) is awesome. They provide really, really great value. They know exactly what they’re doing.
There is a recipe. You can click the “see more” which is which is engagement and tells Facebook that they should show people their stuff. Just by clicking that "see more" button, that’s it.
So just how they formatted the text is smart. They’re gonna get engagement from that. And, the image looks great, right? So they have media which is great, they’ve got a picture, which is going to add to Facebook’s algorithm, which will help Facebook to show more people, and it’s giving great value, an awesome recipe, and it’s showing people exactly how to make the recipe in the pictures.
They get an A+ from me on this. They got a lot of shares from people because this is awesome. It’s a great, great post.
This is another example of a great post above. The first one was a recipe and showing you how to do it.
This is a video that actually talks about different studies and the science behind losing weight and a ketogenic diet.
Again, this isn’t a promotional video, but it’s informing their audience about their industry, about their health and wellness. It’s a really, really great example. It’s got him talking. It also has video on the bottom and it has caption in the video as well.
Man, this is an A+ across the board. They did really, really well on this.
This is a great example from a real estate professional.
This is someone who has branded and built his business specifically for real estate. This would speak to someone who’s interested in showing houses and staging houses to be shown and just make things look the best possible.
This speaks to that audience. Great tip, adding lighting behind furniture helps it stand out and makes the room feel more open, and tells them how to get the lighting, too.
So again, there’s nothing promotional about this but he’s giving value to his specific target audience. This is a great post.
This lady above is into health and wellness. So she’s definitely into the health and wellness field, and she’s specifically giving some facts and information about health care.
Again, very informative, not only does she have text in her post, and she’s got a lot of text going on, but she’s using a graph. With an actual image, in addition to the text, which is much more powerful.
Everyone will look at the picture, even if they are not interested in reading all the text in the caption. So this a great example also.
This is one of my friends and colleagues in marketing, Lindsay, she’s amazing. She’s a Rockstar, growing and growing, you should really watch out for her.
But this is a great example of how she is offering value to her audience. She’s looking to serve people, help people learn how to make sales and market online and she’s doing a Facebook live.
You’ll notice that it says she was "live." She’s giving value, helping inform her audience, and she’s doing it in a live format so that she can engage with them.
That live video, people, is super powerful to boost your engagement. For Facebook, its favorite kind of post, is live video. It’s gonna be favored over all other posts, so you should definitely be using it whenever possible.
Inspires Your Audience
Inspirational is another type of post that you can provide value to your audience with, just inspiring them.
This, above, is from my friend, Ray Higdon.
"Sometimes the issue isn’t that your problems are so big, it’s that you see yourself as being so small."
Great quote! It really can inspire people. His audience are entrepreneurs, people in home business, network marketing, and this can really speak to that audience and inspires them, which is awesome.
Here’s one from my mentors, Todd and Leah Rae Getts.
"Be so good they can’t ignore you," by Steve Martin.
This is inspiring to people. They also give some additional insights in the caption of the post as well. But this is a great example of how to give value through inspiration.
Now, this is one of my own posts.
"If you want to be successful, it’s just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing."
There is a picture and a caption. I made the caption the same as the picture. This way people either read the caption or the picture and either way they get the full message. Then I threw in some hashtags so it’s searchable. This is simple but really a great post to inspire people for success.
Entertains Your Audience
Entertaining, now this can be really fun if you really get into it, but entertaining your audience is next.
One of my other mentors, Diane Hochman, says you need to inspire through emotions that evoke thought, laughter, or crying.
I found a great example here. Fashion Hub (above), this is a page whose audience are females, right? Definitely for women, and this really speaks to their target audience.
"Sundays be like," and then it’s a meme of someone, Elaine, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and everyone should remember her from Seinfeld. "When your 30 minute nap turns into five hours," and you wake up like crazy tired and all messed up wondering what happened?
So it speaks to their target audience and it’s funny. It makes them smirk, makes them smile, makes them laugh and that’s good.
I personally prefer to operate through laughter because that cheers everyone. But other emotions are great also.
Before we get to my bonus example which will be the final example, I want to take this moment to mention that if you want to learn all nine of my top tips to increase your engagement on Facebook, then you definitely want to make sure that you watch for my next post. Where I will go through all nine tips for you in that post.
Now, my final, bonus post, is from Tony Robbins. This is awesome! You should all hopefully know who he is or at least heard his name before.
You may think, oftentimes, that entertaining just means funny. It doesn’t just mean funny.
As mentioned before, it can just be something that brings emotion and entertains in other ways. Think of the movies we are entertained by, scary, sad, happy, funny, romantic, etc.
So this is a very emotional, powerful video that entertains. Speaking about our veterans and thanking them for their service. So this is entertaining his audience and providing an uplifting message, but it’s also very moving and powerful on the heart strings as well.
Whenever you can elicit emotion from your audience, guys, it’s going to draw them closer to you and build up that know, like, and trust factor that you need with your audience.
So entertaining and using emotion whenever possible is an awesome way to do that.
Now these nine Facebook post examples, plus your bonus example, of great posts should get your wheels turning so that you can go out and create some awesome posts of your own.
Please comment and let me know which example you liked the best and what would be engaging for you as an audience member?
Please know that I am in your corner and on your side and I am here to help YOU create the time freedom and financial freedom that you and your family deserve. So subscribe to my Insider Newsletter, so that I can help you do that. And, so that you can be the first to get in on promotions and special offers for your business.
If this is your first time to here, gimme a shout out in the comments so that I can welcome you.
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As always be a SUPERSTAR and SHINE!
Talk soon,