Facebook Marketing for Small Businesses
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I’m talking to you, yes, you small business owners. I have one question for you: Is your business on Facebook?
If not, you’re doing it wrong. You must have wondered sometimes how could you benefit from Facebook Marketing?
It’s the 21st century, and everyone is on Facebook.
Because it’s a great networking tool, particularly in the rise of Facebook for mobile.
Based on Facebook Stats as of 11/02/16, there are over 1.79 billion monthly active Facebook users who are a 16 percent increase year over year.
4.5 billion likes generated daily as of May 2013 which is a 67 percent increase from August 2012
1.18 billion people log onto Facebook daily active users (Facebook DAU) for September 2016, which represents a 17% increase year over year
Even an Entrepreneur magazine wants you to grow your small business following base.
So what are you waiting for? Take the advantage of Facebook as the great social impact force.
Now, I understand that you just started running a small business or you’ve been running it for a couple of years already and have a tight budget when it comes to marketing. Don’t be afraid as there are numerous ways you can grow your following base without investing a penny.
Now if you have a small budget when it comes to Facebook marketing, hold on tight as this will be a long bumpy ride. Let’s go for it!
1. Consistency
I assume you already created your Facebook business page. Remember you’re still running your business because you have entrepreneurship trait which is consistency. So why wouldn’t you be consistent with your Facebook postings? I know it’s a hard thing to do and you are busy, however, there are tools to give you a hand with all your to-dos.
There is this awesome free tool called Hootsuite (which I’m sure you already know all about). If you don’t – it’s a tool which integrates your social media pages and lets you schedule posts.
In the sea of numerous tools, it’s important to choose the one that will really add up to your score. Whether it is a tool that will allow you to schedule things or the one that will allow you to do more advanced things – we have never needed tools more!
That’s how I ran across AdHero and decided to use it. It was standing out from all the competition. It significantly helped me reduce my time when it comes to creating images for Facebook ads. AdHero is a web app that comes with 20 Done For You Facebook Mobile and Desktop Newsfeed templates.
It will literally transform the way you do things. And – it will save you SO MUCH time.
Be consistent and relevant with your postings. You don’t want post something that is not relevant to your audience, because, as you’ve guessed, you’ll lose them. Create a strong visual content and post 2x times per day at least until you build beautiful and exciting fan page.
Remember, people are mostly on Facebook to catch up with friends and have fun, don’t spam them with various business offers. Share some free content, educate them and remember that you’re there to have fun as well.
2. Social Share Buttons
You have a healthy email list and the vast amount of website visitors, so how can you grow your Facebook audience from there?
Simple, by introducing social sharing buttons. Place them on your contact us page, inside of a blog post, put them on every email you sent.
I know it may look spammy, but it doesn’t. It’s crucial to have them inside of every email; you will significantly increase your Facebook audience for FREE! Who doesn’t want that?
3. Keep your Fan Page up to date
Remember when I said that people are on Facebook to have fun and that you should keep your page interesting and light by providing free content and educating your audience?
Now, one of the ways to do that is by keeping your Facebook Business up to date even if it means changing your cover photo on a weekly basis.
There is no reason to keep the same old cover photo on your fan page, step it up a bit. Change whatever you can think of on a weekly or monthly basis, step it up a bit. You need to find out what your audience likes and what doesn’t.
4. Don’t just take, give!
Now what I mean by that is don’t just give and take from your existing audience. Give a little bit of yourself to other experts in your niche. Find 10-15 successful fan pages that are relevant to your niche and engage with their audience, engage with them and don’t forget to comment on your page, not from your personal account.
5. Promotional content
Bear in mind what I said about engaging and educating your audience with free content.
Now, a lot of experts follow the 80/20 rule, which means 80% is nonpromotional while 20% is promotional.
If you follow this, you’ll come along way in your business.
However, some of the experts like to test a lot, and some of them found 90/10 rule to be successful as well.
Keep your content interesting and relevant to your audience even if it’s free.
6. Less is better
Haven’t we all heard that less is better? But what does it mean when it comes to Facebook Marketing?
There are a lot of research on this topic. However, most of them found out that keeping your character length between 90-120 result in higher engagement rates. Take in mind that your end users are people too and ask yourself this. Do you like reading lengthy posts if it will end up guiding you to website or blog with more content?
7. Love your Facebook Audience
Audience, remember?
They are people too; they are not the number on a screen showing how well you do. So, why don’t you host some like/share game or offer a discount that is only made for your Facebook audience?
They’ll love you for it. Word of mouth is still best marketing method out there and results show it all the time.
Final thoughts:
I know it’s hard out there but keep it together; you know why you’re doing this. It’s important for your business to show you as an expert in the field you’re working on. That’s why I emphasize so much on free content and engaging with your competitor audience using your Facebook fan page. Remember that they are people too, not a just number in sales. Show them you care, and they’ll show you their attention and money.
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