FACEBOOK - It's all YOUR Fault

FACEBOOK - It's all YOUR Fault

Facebook data. It's your fault.

How many times have you installed software or an app and clicked through the permissions without a second consideration?

Every. Single. Time.

You clicked on the link, you bought the package, you want to use the service. They show you the terms and conditions... Including the permissions allowed, and without question, you click install or update.

Don't blame Facebook for your ignorance.

A little background for those that aren't aware:

  • Facebook is being blamed for sharing data with third parties that then used that data for there own corporate or personal gain. Using data across multiple platforms to create a database of people they can market information to -- some real -- some not so real -- some scandalous -- some political
  • People are alarmed and outraged that Facebook does this and have stated that they never gave consent to such things, when -- in fact -- they do exactly that every time they use the program.
  • It's not just limited to Facebook (Messenger / Instagram) -- but almost every modern interface (ios, osx, windows) gathers data and sells that data or the attributes of that data through an advertising platform
  • This isn't a data breach. This is naive and ignorant users blaming a big corporation for their negligence in data sharing when they found out how it was used.

Sounds familiar to life in general. Instead of taking ownership, let's point the finger at someone else. And since politicians and their kids use Facebook, more attention is being spent on this than world issues that matter more.

This isn't the first time this has happened on the internet, and it won't be the last.


There is a Gmail app that offers to help you 'unsubscribe' to online newsletters in order to reduce "spam". How do you think they did that for free? They sold that data to advertisers. They sold receipts from lift to Uber for targeted marketing and price research. People cried foul about privacy, but the install and terms and conditions clearly stated the use of data. (https://goo.gl/tta41L)

Many dumb and useless Facebook / phone apps are free. Do you really think that people develop these apps because they are bored? I'm sure some do, but most get data and sell it.

So you want to know who you're going to marry; what your horoscope is; what you'll look like in 25 years; who your top friends are; what your children would look like...


YOU allow data from your profile and who your friends are to pass through. Your likes, dislikes, history, family, age, locations and more are all up for grabs because you wanted to be entertained by a trivial service.

Microsoft recently sent out an email to billions... Yes. Billions... Of users referring to the terms and conditions of their software. Did anyone read it?

Basically, just like Google and Apple... Everything you use in an app, on a computer, or on the phone is anonymously gathered.

If you have a windows pc or use a windows app, such as office, are you going to stop using it?

I'm personally not surprised that people don't read what they install. Like kids in a candy store. They want the end result -- eat the candy, get the game, see what their kids would look like.


Facebook provided the platform that allows applications to ask for any data authorization and assumed the consumer would actually be responsible and read the label before consuming the content or app. Silly Facebook -- they should understand that customers not only don't read them, they apparently want to blame others for what they don't read.

Have you read the terms and conditions of ANY software or service you installed on your computer or PC?

Have you read the terms and conditions of EVERY vendor agreement you sign? Not just the costs and cancellation, but everything else.


For auto dealers, if they would read the fine-print of their DMS/CRM agreement, they would see that most provide stipulations on data access, security and data ownership -- yet they still want to sue -- even though they agreed with the signature.

It's ironic that people cry for privacy, but still value directions or notifications that automatically pop-up on their phone. They want privacy, only when it's convenient for them, but load 100's of apps on their phone and computer that track everything movement and every text input in order to show ads and sell data.


The false sense of privacy is based on convenience and not the reality of the internet age. 

Extend this further to "Hello Google" or "Siri" or "Echo" -- those applications are always listening. And they are always recording. There are TVs that listen all the time too. All for the convenience of not having to actually hit a light switch or save the thumbs from typing in a question. 

People cry privacy when they are the ones that should take responsibility for their own negligence.

It's not Facebook's fault. It's not Google's fault. It's not Microsoft's fault. It's not Uber's fault.

They are conduits for the ignorant public that want privacy only when it's convenient. Similar to how people look at public safety and the government keeping us safe, except when there are armed guards, wire tapped phones and beefed up airport security. But that's another story.


I'm just a guy with a keyboard -- and maybe a video camera -- that sees this same lesson play out in 100 ways throughout the week. In work, life, relationships, family, etc.

In general, people point fingers when they should be pointing thumbs -- at themselves. They should look in the mirror and take ownership. Do you really think people make these apps that gather all this data for fun? Instead of profit?

When does logic come into play?

Remember that time when you loaded the program and hit "yes" to everything.

Remember when you signed that agreement without reading all the print?

Remember when you relied on the sales person -- and not the document?

People, in general don't take ownership for their actions until the results of their ignorance has an impact on their business or life. People who cheat, only after they are caught. People are "shocked" that what they thought wasn't reality and then lash out, crying foul, when in reality, the acceptance was logical and the use of data or concern was prudent in reflection of those guidelines.

(by the way - LinkedIN editing / publishing tools are horrible)

Watch this!

What about the shadow profiles they collect? They process conversations and messages to figure out People You May Know and to better create their connected network. Those profiles are collected without our ability to stop it because other people use the service. Once someone shares their contact list then Facebook has your number and/or email and maybe address. Who’s fault is that? Something like 275,000 users signed up for the CA app which then collected data on 50 million users without consent. That’s what people are upset about.



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