As of 20 April 2020, #facebook had 2.498 billion monthly active users. so why do people say its dying?
Before we proceed. let's consider the age group of 13-30 as Youth.
You need to understand one thing - social media is driven by the youth. Let me explain!
I will justify this by giving you an example of #facebook only.
When Facebook became popular, it was the youth that made it popular, not the adult or senior citizens. TikTok becomes popular when youth joined it. Snapchat was only made for the youth. Instagram is mainly youth-driven.
The main reason behind the rumor of Facebook is dying is because the youth has left Facebook completely. it's so bad that they dint even check the app notification sent by Facebook. it's so bad that 44% of young Americans deleted Facebook from their phone, a survey
But Facebook still has the biggest number of monthly active users: 2.5 Billion. if we put Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and TikTok together, the number reaches 2.5 Billion monthly active users. so how does Facebook remain the biggest player in the market?
Facebook did lose one of the most important age group but it gained every other age group. Collage graduates, adults, parents, senior citizens have all joined Facebook and are actively engaging with each other. Also, they dint worry about the engagement or less organic reach.