FACEBOOK is DEAD! And MINDS.COM has taken over!

FACEBOOK is DEAD! And MINDS.COM has taken over!

E100 - Bill Ottman and MINDS.COM

Bill Ottman

An American Internet entrepreneur and freedom of information activist based in New York City, best known as the CEO and co-founder of Minds.

Ottman pursued English and music at the University of Vermont. In 2010, he worked as director of marketing at Gathering of the Vibes Music and Arts Festival.

In 2011, Ottman co-founded Minds, an open source social networking platform that launched to the public in June 2015.[1] He is also an advisor at Code to Inspire.


An open source and distributed social networking service, integrating the blockchain to reward the community with ERC-20 tokens for various contributions to the network.[5] Users can use their tokens to promote their content or to crowdfund and tip other users by subscribing to them monthly in exchange for exclusive content and services.

Minds has become popular for its commitment to privacy, decentralization, optional anonymity, radical transparency, free speech, and user rewards in contrast to the surveillance, secrecy, censorship, and algorithm manipulation occurring on many proprietary social networks.

Minds was founded in February 2011 by Bill Ottman as an alternative to top global networks abusing digital rights. It was co-founded by John Ottman, Mark Harding, Ian Crossland, and Jack Ottman.

In June 2017, the company raised over $1 million in the fastest equity-crowdfunded sale of all time.[7]

In March 2018, Minds exited Beta and launched a white paper and testnet for its new native mobile apps and Ethereum integration.

In October 2018, Minds raised $6 millions in Series A funding from Medici Ventures. Which is an Overstock.com subsidiary. Patrick M. Byrne, founder and CEO of Overstock.com, will join Minds’ board of directors.

Features include news feed, video, images, blogs, groups, search, encrypted messenger, cryptocurrency wallets, exclusive content paywalls, promoted posts, tipping, and a token reward system. Minds maintains cross-platform functionality with both web and mobile apps.

Frameworks, software, programming languages, and other technologies utilized in the platform include Apache Cassandra, React Native, AngularJS, PHP, Nginx, Elasticsearch, Ethereum, OpenZeppelin, Truffle, NativeScript, MetaMask Ubuntu Server, Redis, MongoDB, DroneCI, RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, Linux, Vagrant, Docker, NodeJS, Gulp, TypeScript, OpenSSL, Socket.io, and NPM.

Minds has been featured by Forbes, Business Insider and VentureBeat for its tools to combat the decline of organic reach through algorithm changes on Facebook, Google, and other major sites.

When the network launched its Alpha mobile applications in 2015, the global decentralized hacktivist collective Anonymous showed initial support for privacy features. Some have since expressed concern that other fringe groups could undermine the platform's ability to deliver accurate and curated content.[15]

The Observer, Barron’s, and Breitbart discussed the network’s dedication to free speech and community-participation.

Cointelegraph, Cryptobriefing, Bitcoin Magazine and Hacked have covered Minds for its digital currency ecosystem.

On June 5, 2018 CBS Interactive, ZDNet's published an article about Minds, with focus on Minds blockchain integration.









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let's start the show


so you're in New York


oh yeah well party no okay I was in

Greenwich for a minute no yeah yeah so

um so our buddy Zach suggested that you

come on here and I went on to the the

social social network that you guys have

created and minds.com right that's it

awesome so what - what made you create

this thing we've just known that there

was a dire need for an open-source

cryptid decentralized network to emerge

yeah it's social and you know something

that rewards people something where

they're not getting restricted so many

different ways yeah yeah yeah there was

a there was a big issue not long ago

that was causing everyone to not show up

in Google or I know that I'm having lots

of issues with with YouTube myself or

with my show so this is kind of

bypassing all that all that crap

yeah exactly unfiltered distribution

channel we post video so you know the

app feels sort of like a mix between all

of those big networks we blog you can

post video images articles set up groups

you have wallet so you earning you have

a wallet yeah

you have a wallet really awesome yeah

cuz I just died oh yeah right by tokens

wallet upgrade applause okay so I see

all that that's awesome

yeah we essentially are sort of in

aetherium wallet

we the mines token is e rc 20 okay

so tell me about your background so you

uh we you know I just I just checked out

your were your LinkedIn page and you

were you been with with mines since

and ten

yeah Wow so - it's been it hasn't it

this isn't a new kid on the block I mean

we were sort of stalled for like five

years just building before we really

pushed too hard we had to make something

really scalable so you know we really

launched our first apps in 2015 that's

when we had our burst first surge of

like 250,000 users Wow

250,000 what were we all right now like

one and a half million really

okay and what so are you are you are you

like that guy on MySpace or you're

friends with everybody

are you that's been done yeah all right

good all right so yeah cuz it looks a so

let's go back over here it has the the

look and feel and kind of like like a

little bit like Facebook I guess right

you get your picture on the left but

there's no big has some similarities to

Instagram sort of yeah but also you have

the wallet component which none of them

have so you know it's yeah it's sort of

taking ideas from a couple different

places and getting rid of all the

surveillance and secrecy and you're not

sharing the information with everybody

employment yeah you're not selling their

their info okay good yeah some of the

bigger names that have been have been

populating your site here we've got a

lot of people like see Tim pool is a

great journalist is they are two big

YouTube people from the left the right

musicians artists is huge Vietnamese pop

star just joined my Tom we've got like

you know Jordan Peterson Rubin that kind

of crew we also have a lot of lot of

crypto people we see you know a few


it's it's an eclectic room I think that

you know who just came on from the

crypto world that I can think of Jeffrey

Tucker max kaisers on our advisory board

yeah a lot of cool characters okay

we're kin night where can I find like

you guys have like a regular page like a

regular website type place here

what's that mean well you know like good

you know where you can see your team or

anything like that

oh you know it's honor it's on our white

paper there's mine stuck on slashed open


yeah that's gonna be your best page if

you scroll down I think actually were we

don't you have to go on the white paper

I think it's just on the bottom of that

page is it okay alright okay there we go

cool cool cool alright see you're it's

each token for your contribution three

thousand four hundred and ten tokens

gain more views on your content I love

that because I want more views on my

content yes exchange tokens with other

channels so what's that what's that mean

so you know if you can tip people you

can subscribe monthly to people

recurring monthly crypto payments in

exchange for exclusive content so some

sort of patreon ish similar

functionality but you know fully open

source and using the ethereum blockchain

one token will be a thousand extra

impressions when you boost with it

really so if you you should boost

everything you post for you know a few

tokens you get a few thousand extra

impressions I need to post and you will

start seeing engagement happen this has

been probably the driving horse force

behind our growth channels I can also

send you an offer of tokens in exchange

for you sharing my content Wow a peer to

peer to peer advertising model yeah okay

so I mean I man this sounds so awesome I

can't believe that I haven't really dove

into this but this is exactly what

people like like myself who's got a

little bit of a page and everyone else

who's got some kind of a social or a

blog or you know video type thing what

you use your name on a crypto the

wonderdog all one word

I'm going to your page subscribed you

just sent you you tokens to to play with

really that's awesome

but they're in my wallet sure yeah so

after you post a few things boost each

of them for a few tokens and you know

you'll start to see the engagement

happening you know they're very cheap so

like one token is 15 around 15 cents

right now oh my god that's 15 cents

that's 15 cents for a thousand views

which is you know 50,000 keeper then

Wow yeah okay and and how do you buy

tokens on here on the on the button this

is my token stuff I I got hammered a few

weeks ago for not being prepared when I

do these interviews so they're like you

know people want me to send them talk

you know questions in advance and I'm

like I don't know what I'm gonna talk

about we're just gonna talk and have fun

you know um I I dig I dig this place man

this is really great I am definitely

gonna be spending one so if I post a

video on YouTube is there a way to link

link link it directly here

you can just post the link in your

status and boost that I recommend mixing

it up you should you know post YouTube

videos you can attach up to 15 minutes

native who n?mes perform really well

images real articles just just status

posts perform well also I mean just be

be diverse and boost everything and you

will start to see the effects yeah okay

and and so you earn tokens by people

watching you're watching your stuff

though every time people upvote you

comment on your stuff share your stuff

at all the referrals you make you can

grab your referral code in your settings

you do have to onboard to the rewards

program in your wallet first in order to

be classified as unique user so that we

prevent gaming that way but you know

from there you'll start earning every

day and the more engagement and then the

more you Bruce the more engagement you

received from boo so you actually earn

tokens by boosting as well so you do get

some ROI on that and yeah I mean no

weird algorithms everything is just raw

and chronological wow this is really

really cool I like this a lot


okay so go back to your to your LinkedIn

page so you've been even involved in

tech for a while right you were a board

of advisors for code to inspire yes and

then word capital focused on lines for

yeah yes since since inception

Southie signs yeah criminal activity and

Connecticut I all right so what what

what's the have you guys been going to

any shows it because part of any big

crypto meetups and things like that yeah

we were at San Francisco oh you were

okay yep

and we that we launched a fully

decentralized prototype they're called

nomads which you can check out at

github.com /my nomads which uses the

etherium addresses as the username and

then a protocol called DAT for the

peer-to-peer sort of torrent style

architecture yeah and we're gonna keep

working on that I think we probably

going to eat eat Denver as well okay how

do you guys go to with that consensus

and I've ever been to that but yeah I

know some of the people that consensus

yep and Ben oh you mean the event

consensus yeah yeah and yeah all of the

above yeah what's coming up for you guys

we are just developing really

aggressively we're hiring developers

we're just focusing on making the reward

system and gamification super appealing

and effective and so we're working on

the token ah mcc's and we're working on

a lot of new video features working on

video chat so live doing that that would

be great yeah we have it we have groups

pretty good groups features so we want

to integrate video chat in that you know

we're trying to build a fully

competitive app with the big social

networks yeah so yeah Wow okay I like

the video chat part cuz I would love to

start doing my my interviews on

something a little more socially

adaptable than dice then Skype and crap

like that you know yeah this this will

be able to push to two different

live-streaming sources so we're using a

tool called jitsi which is open source

video conferencing framework so yeah

lots of lots of exciting stuff on the

horizon okay and then we're just you

know network effects and figuring out

how to spread crypto how to make crypto

more understood by normal people and I

think integrating into the social media

reward system is is a pretty good way to

do it I mean most people you know you

don't earn anything by posting on

Instagram and Twitter no Facebook

they're not giving you anything so yeah

they're filling their pockets but not


yeah yes I would you you know I know

you're working on the video part like

that you know how how Facebook has just

kind of launched their movies and TV

show type things can I think that what

about that for filmmakers I mean I think

that we're not gonna be focusing on are

they funding actual movies I don't know

if they're funding as much

there they're providing a platform for

people to to subscribe to to move I

could be wrong on this but I think it's

more of a platform to distribute your

film or your TV show or whatever yeah

we're gonna be focusing deeply on super

high quality video unlimited storage you

can put different films behind paywalls

from wool except yeah okay and then you

said you had a way to set up a regular

subscription type thing so people had a

series of shows they could put on there

people could just keep watching them yes

Wow that would be cool that's that's

that's phenomenal


let's see here yeah I'm loving this this

whole thing man this is it's really cool

I apologize we're not we're not diving

into this but not like we're not not

incredibly busy over here but I really

should have this is a time I going to

admit that I really should have taken

more advantage of this Wow I really do

love this man this is so awesome

and then to boost so if somebody signs

up with this and they want to get they

want to be found they want to like like

me I want my videos to people searching

for crypto videos or crypto learning

about crypto to click on this SEO is

involved one in all this

yeah we have like extensive tagging

features that we that we just released

yeah see we have like a whole filtering

hashtag filtering system which you'll

notice is the top bar of your newsfeed

so you can have alternative feeds that

are filled with the top trending content

within different categories but yeah I

mean you know SEO are you talking about

just for like organic yeah so if

somebody was searching searching Google

for what is what is Bitcoin and if

there's somebody that had put a video up

on your on your site that said you know

what is Bitcoin that it would kind of

rank in in the search engines yeah yeah

beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful

oh I see NASA has even signed up with

this look at that I think that might be

a fan is that a functionary okay looks

like what NASA I put you on today was

sixty-five thousand subscribers four

million views that's incredible

a couple of big comedians like Lee Camp

and Joey Diaz Jeffrey Tucker

Ben Swann David Pakman Joe PAGs

Owen Benjamin a mom to Tahiti

let's see count dank EULA Matt

Christensen Cynthia McKinney happy

Martin dollar vigilante max keiser

anti-media freethought project sargon of

akkad Dave Holland RT just a bunch of

big creators Paul Watson it's it's a

yeah and the an interesting balance of

the left and the right like Abby Martin

I think did you see a lot of

polarization happening on big social

networks now yeah and you know we're

really focused on balancing that oh

that's in yeah you're not not

suppressing the left or the right right

okay good let everybody have an equal

turn that's cool man

wow this is awesome so how do you how do

you know Zak what's uh what's your

connection with Zak Zak works with pulp

he is a great designer and he's been

working with us for a long time oh yes

helped us with a lot of yeah a lot of

marketing and PR yeah what's your what's

your big push right now what's your

marketing push

um we are focusing a lot on these we're

calling them gatherings which are video

chat that's big also you know definitely

pushing the censorship issues the

algorithms I think these what people are

really getting tired of is the is the

algorithms are not yes whether or not

you care about crypto and privacy and

all these things everyone cares about if

their likes are going down so it doesn't

matter who you are you could be the New

York Times you could be Fox you could be

a teenager posting selfies doesn't

matter everyone cares about that because

that's our ability to communicate with

each other and when that gets interfered

with there's you know a real reason for

something new to happen and I think that

you know so with a combination of that

and creating interesting like

gamification that are just fun yeah you

know with I think this whole boo system

is is something that is really fun that

you know most people aren't aren't used

to and once they start doing it they

really can feel the effects yeah

absolutely you know because you know

even with mine I have I've spent the

last couple of days working with a guy

trying to figure out why I'm getting no

views on YouTube but my iTunes show it

blows up and then and then my YouTube or

my iTunes will just vanish for a week at

a time and there's nothing no downloads

nothing which doesn't make any sense to

me and in same thing with Google and you

know I can't get my can't get my website

to populate that though there is a lot

of suppression happening so and

especially it's crypto the crypto part

of it yeah yeah they've been and crypto

ads have been banned from all the

different networks except for certain as

you know it's definitely a good place to

promote crypto you know there is all

there is legitimately a lot of crypto

spam which is real nasty stuff so you

know we do you know spam is not okay it

doesn't matter if it's what it is yeah

yeah absolutely um wow this is super

cool and and what you're you know the

demographic some people eyes is pretty

much a worldwide thing is this

everywhere everyone around the world

participating in this

yeah pretty much I mean we're only in

English and Vietnamese right now which

is you know we still have people from

all countries using it and just dealing

with it you can using like browser

translation tools but we're working

really hard on localization that has to

do with like angular I 18n and new

runtime releases that they need to make

for us to be able to do that in a

scaleable automated way we've already

been translated on our translation site

to like 10 or 20 languages but we

haven't deployed them yet because just

Oh languages are actually a top-priority

that that that is essential to growing

to a global audience yeah oh I would

think that this would be something that

would really appeal to the Eastern

Europeans like Russia and Ukraine and

those guys because it seems like that's

the big hot spot for for all scripto

world and then you know South Korea - I

mean I like the Koreans are very very

Pro pro crypto

you know I think that most countries are

at this point yeah very cool man um so

what else you know we've already talked

about your you saw here what's been

going on in the past and what you guys

have been doing in the future people

want to get a hold of you to talk with

you they can they can get a hold he

guess on on LinkedIn right we're gonna

have your Linkedin here ah no no no I

linked no no deleting LinkedIn are you

LinkedIn is just as bad as the rest of

them okay you can just find me directly

at mines calm slash Potanin OTT mmm okay

let's let's do that let's let's get rid

of them and I think that where are we at

right here I had you up there for just a

sec I don't know what happened wires did

how do I friend you it how do i how do I

do that here subscribe okay so I'm gonna

go up here don't go to the search bar

one way to um subscribe are you on my

page I'm on I'm just on the minds.com

page here alright yeah go to search type

in oh geez yeah man okay there is that

that she right there BAM okay so I hit

wire me or what we do subscribe

subscribe there it is okay didn't see it

saw the wire me okay beautiful so we're

subscribed no we're buddies right

correct and so now I will be able to see

all the posts that you post all the time

yes okay yeah you can I would definitely

recommend scrolling through my channel

I'm pretty active and clued into some

good content there's independent artists

and musicians and writers it's just a

really creative creative group okay so

you get a you get artists that put their

new songs up here yep

oh that's great man and then I guess

just regular artists put their their

photography or their art anything they

want to do up here Wow this is great

yeah how do I not know that I know yeah

well we're all over the place we're all

over the world yes because I'm being

suppressed man it's the man the man

holding me back the man holding me down

but I'm glad that Zak found me that I

was able to get I got Zak's attention

and he suggested that we you partner up

on this thing and and do this right so

um well awesome well you know let's

let's let's stay in touch on this I'm

definitely gonna be a big fan a promoter

of minds.com


hate everything else

I will promise to only put up good

content and not spam anybody

yeah it's great to meet you man let's

get connected post a bunch of stuff I'll

share some of your stuff around after

you after you posted it and you know

post this interview for sure absolutely

yeah let's let's keep rockin beautiful

thanks a lot man really appreciate it

Parastoo Emami

Parenting Coach for Highly Sensitive Children | Empowering Families to Celebrate Sensitivity as a Strength | Expert in Somatic Techniques to Regulate the Nervous System | Advocate for Highly Sensitive People

8 个月

Dean, appreciate you for sharing this!



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