Facebook Custom Audiences: Page Engagement
Lately I have been experimenting with creating custom audiences on Facebook, specifically the option to target people who have engaged with your page and its content within the last 365 days.
You need to check your ego at the door with this one because it will not be anywhere near your total number of followers. But there has never been a lot of substance to that stat anyway.
By targeting just those people who have engaged with your content, you are focusing in on the active followers.
I recently did a small boost (just $1) of a client's post and targeted their content engagement audience. The boost reached an extra 3,000 people and brought in an additional 468 engagements at a cost of less than 1 cent per engagement.
What I am not able to figure out is how to see exactly how those engagements broke down. How many were post likes? How many were clicks on "Read more"? How many were clicks on the page name? I am not seeing where I can get a look at that breakdown. If you know how I can access this, please let me know. Thanks.