Facebook Challenges
Adnan Halawi
Data Analytics for Sustainable, Islamic Finance & Emerging Markets Investors, London Stock Exchange Group
Yes, Facebook got problems, like any other company. While we all acknowledge that Facebook is such a great, inspiring and unique success story and that it has revolutionized the digital industry & the way we communicate, if not being the digital revolution itself, this company faces issues every now and then and here are some examples of problems it faced over the past year.
Facebook had to apologize:
Facebook Inc apologized to users on the other side of the world from recent suicide bombing in Pakistan who received computer-addressed notices asking if they were safe. Facebook users as far away as New York and Virginia showed notifications they received on social media site Twitter.
Facebook has to pay taxes in Indonesia, or leave:
Global Internet-based firms could have their services blocked in Indonesia if they do not obtain "permanent establishment" status in the country and pay Indonesian tax, government officials said in February. Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro told reporters all Internet-based services must have a local presence in the form of a representative office or a full-fledged company.
Facebook's Free Basics Suspended in Egypt:
A Facebook-sponsored service that offers limited free Internet access was suspended in Egypt end of last year after a permit required from the government was not renewed. Facebook's Free Basics service, which aims to provide free access to Facebook and some partner websites in developing countries, was launched in Egypt mobile carrier Etisalat.
Meanwhile, Facebook continues to roll out brilliant features, capturing the interest and stickiness of individuals users as well as businesses from around the globe! Like any other business, it will face challenges & issues; the trick is to be as good as Facebook in overcoming and bringing to the world more connectivity, unity and powerful tools in this digital era that we live in!
More stories about facebook, here!