Facebook boycott- a demand of time
Binod (Bin) B.
Infection Prevention & Control Professional | (MD), PhD, CIC, CMDRT, CHE
Facebook was borne with a name of “The Facebook” created by the current chairman and CEO together with his College and University-mates on February, 2004. As a social networking media it started spreading from the USA to Canada, and I myself was one of the first Canadians to open an account with my rogers email ID that time. Facebook didn’t have any messenger like these days, and many other services that time. As an Yogacharya I was providing consultation to other yoga instructors across North America and also globally through discussion created on my login page. Within a year, almost all trained and interested in yoga-meditation-mudra teachers were united and had joined to my page; and that was the only one largest group of interested in Esotericsim people that time.
I, believing in the social contribution role of future Facebook, was the one who first introduced Facebook to the readers of the eastern Europe placing its web-link on an internet journal called www.freenepal.com edited and published online from Moscow in 2006. Facebook was confined within the USA and Canada only and no one knew about Facebook globally that time.
After couple of years, in 2010 my account was hacked and it was never restored again! I lost priceless memories and tremendous work there. Of-course Facebook did not help me to restore my hacked account at all. After almost one year of result-less attempt, I calmed down answering myself “you didn’t have paid anything to open that account, so forget about it” nothing comes for free. I had to pay price losing all my data that couldn’t be measured with any amount of money these days.
As Facebook allowed to open account free of charge, it started gaining popularity among school, college and university students. Majority of account holders were young generation in the beginning. As it was free of cost, it gained highest popularity in developing countries and especially among low income population around the world.
After 8 years on 2012, Facebook started trading on the NASDAQ with an initial stock price of $38 per share. Within 8 years of public share offering, it became one of the five major technology giants together with Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft today.
As of today, Facebook has allegedly around 10 million advertisers promoting it to generate 100 billion dollars profit annually, and its share price has increased by almost 100 times since 2012.
Allowing everyone to open an account free of cost, Facebook seems to be focused on profiting from perpetuating Political Populism and Hate Speech, Video Sharing, Yellow Journalism, Cyber-bullying, Stalking, Scams, Defamation, Robbery, Identity Theft, Terrorism, Suicide, Racism, Religious Confrontation , White Supremacy, Hate, Harassment, Militia Movements, Violent Protest, Holocaust Denial-ism, Anti-vaccination Propaganda and many others.
I am pretty sure, this article reminds every reader about something unpleasant event occurred via Facebook platform in the past. Everybody says that Facebook allows content that incites violence against protesters. It does not have any control once you are on its platform, and once you have paid the money for the advertisement.
Few of numerous tragedies committed through the influence of Facebook are:
- The horrific terrorist attack, which killed 50 people at two mosques, played out live on Facebook as the shooter pulled up to one mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, grabbed guns out of his Subaru’s rear hatch door and stormed inside, opening fire on worshipers.
2. Why Facebook is losing the war on hate speech in Myanmar: Quote: “Reuters found more than 1,000 examples of posts, comments and pornographic images attacking the Rohingya and other Muslims on Facebook” https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/myanmar-facebook-hate/
3. Megaphone for Hate: Disinformation and Hate Speech on Facebook During Assam’s Citizenship Count. Quote: “ Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has previously said AI has a very long way to go to reliably detect hate speech. Indeed, he’s suggested it may never be able to do that“ https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/facebook-ceo-zuckerberg-says-hate-speech-stumps-ai-2018-4-1021086964
4. Facebook accused of being 'megaphone for hate' in northeastern India:
Quote: “ Disinformation and Hate Speech on Facebook During Assam's Citizenship Count and found there were at least 100,000 comments posted that qualified as hate speech. These were viewed at least 5.4 million times and shared 99,650 times. The comments posted were a fountain of hate speech, ranging from the minority Muslim population being labelled as "criminals", "dogs", "pigs", "rapists", and "terrorists" to calls for their extermination. Other comments asked for people to "poison" the Muslim minority's daughters and for the legalisation of female foeticide.”
5. The “Bowl Gang” shows how online hate translates into violence : https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/2/7/18215634/dylann-roof-charleston-church-shooter-bowl-gang
6. Teen commits suicide on Facebook live : Quote: “ A 14-year-old Miami Gardens girl hung herself on Facebook live inside her foster family's home ” https://www.fox4now.com/news/teen-girl-commits-suicide-on-facebook-live
7. A Key West man took his life on Facebook Live : Live-streamed suicides have happened before in South Florida. In June 2018, a 27-year-old Key West man hanged himself at a parking garage. https://www.flkeysnews.com/latest-news/article212943319.html
8. A 53-year-old woman killed herself on Facebook Live late Wednesday night, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office said. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/florida-keys/article228227899.html
9. Social media urged to take 'moment to reflect' after girl's death. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/jan/30/social-media-urged-to-take-moment-to-reflect-after-girls-death . Quote: “ Molly’s father Ian has said that social media was partly to blame for his daughter’s death, after her Instagram account was found to contain distressing material about depression and suicide.”
10. Facebook Suicides: Quote: “Every time she moved schools he would go undercover and become a Facebook friend. What the guy did was he went online to the kids who went to (the new school) and said that he was going to be a new student-that he was starting school the following week and that he wanted some friends and could they friend him on Facebook. He eventually gathered people’s names and sent Amanda’s video to her new school.”
11. Amanda’s body was found hanged at her home in British Columbia on October 10, 2012 https://www.medicalbag.com/home/features/grey-matter/facebook-suicides/
12. Facebook confirms employee death was suicide after protest outside its headquarters :https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/27/facebook-employee-death-was-suicide.html
13. Agra Man Live Streams Suicide, Facebook Friends Tried To Stop Him : Quote: “ As many of his friends watched in horror, trying to stop him, a young man from Agra killed himself on Wednesday, live streaming the act on Facebook, news agency ANI reported.”.
14. Keys woman live-streamed her suicide on Facebook, police say: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/florida-keys/article228227899.html
15. Single Mother Posts Suicide Note On Facebook Before Killing Self, Son : https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/single-mother-posts-suicide-note-on-facebook-before-killing-self-toddler-1643071
16. Dumped Man, Found Dead, Asked Facebook To Not Remove His 'Last' Post :https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/dumped-man-found-dead-asked-facebook-to-not-remove-his-last-post-1639165
17. Man commits suicide after fight with lover, posts audio on Facebook : Quote: “ Before committing suicide, Nagpal recorded an audio detailing his troubles and posted the clip on Facebook.”
18. Taiwanese woman kills self on Facebook : Quote: “Her last words, in Chinese, were, "Too late. My room is filled with fumes. I just posted another picture. Even while I'm dying, I still want FB (Facebook). Must be FB poison. Haha.”
19. In 2018, a man killed 10 people in Toronto by ramming a van into a pedestrian sidewalk; he cited Rodger as an inspiration in a Facebook post prior to the attack. : https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/2/7/18215634/dylann-roof-charleston-church-shooter-bowl-gang
20. Do Not Discuss the Incident,' Facebook Told Employee Fired After Speaking About Worker Suicide: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/qvgn9q/do-not-discuss-the-incident-facebook-told-employee-fired-after-speaking-about-worker-suicide
Facebook platform has been also used by child pornography criminals:
Facebook Under Fire for How It Handles Child Pornography: Quote “ When the BBC did so, it says Facebook cancelled its request for an interview, and then reported the broadcaster to the child-exploitation unit of Britain’s National Crime Agency”
Now a little bit again about hacked account:
If your account is hacked Facebook won’t help you. Last month my spouse’s account was hacked and I wrote multiple times to Facebook, but it did not help us at all. Finally I was able to negotiate with the hacker and received the 2-step verification code through email. Unbelievable, but true. I negotiated and convinced the hacker return the hacked account back. Facebook did not allow to correct the name and my spouse is still having her account with the hacker’s name! She needs to wait for a minimum of 60 days to change the name.
Here is another example taken from the Facebook page: Quote: “ account been hacked from a pro hacker and facebook dont reply much” : https://www.facebook.com/help/community/question/?id=112236253041762.
The bottom line is that Facebook does not help you in reality, and it did not help me too.
Facebook seems to be focused only on making billions of dollars and not taking any steps seriously to protect its account holders’ privacy.
Having mentioned above, Facebook was to be tracked down and boycotted ( if not banned at all !) long ago by the authorities, but it did not happen yet.
Recently, the “Stop Hate For Profit” campaign was started by civil rights groups calling for major companies to stop their Facebook ad spending as a protest against its inability to stop hate speech, threats of violence and misinformation on its platform.
What would you do with $70 billion? : https://www.stophateforprofit.org/
When it became crystal clear to all that Facebook handles misinformation and hate speech on its platform to gain the popularity and with a goal to increase its users’ numbers only, some business giants like Starbucks, Diageo, Pfizer, Coca-Cola, Hershey and Unilever have paused their advertising on Facebook and its subsidiary Instagram. More companies have been joining this boycott movement every day, with recent additions including Walgreens, Best Buy, Ford, Adidas, Clorox, Honda America, Levi Strauss, Patagonia, Arc'teryx and the number is growing rapidly.
France passes law forcing online platforms to delete hate speech content within 24 hours :https://greeen.info/?cat=4531
Canada's biggest banks joined boycott of Facebook platforms: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-ads-boycott/canadas-biggest-banks-join-boycott-of-facebook-platforms-idUSKBN244260
World Federation of Advertisers should be regulating not only Facebook but also other social media, and boycott should not be limited to stop the Hate speech only but also for not taking effective measures to protect suicide, cyber-bullying, harassment, ID theft, Terrorism, Child Pornography and many other issued discussed above.
Infection Prevention & Control Professional | (MD), PhD, CIC, CMDRT, CHE
4 年This is the reality, and if we don't speak up it (Facebook) may neglect any remarks and spoil our whole society. If you feel something, say something. Thanks