Face Your Fate Faithfully
No, I do not mean fate is an inscription by a God on your skull. If that is the case, I am sure the MRI inventors and scientists would have managed to design a scanner to read the writing on the skull. Possibly, the skull readers would have read and recorded what is written on the skull of dead people like the archaeologist reading the ancient inscriptions on stone. If the inscription is invisible for ordinary humans, astrologers could read through mind, palm, or through whichever planet is sitting in the boxes of your birth chart, when it entered the houses in the birth chart and how long it will remain there. May be the rare human with the power of Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) could read skull writings through looking at your eyes or by listening to our voice.
Based on my own mindful observation, experience and belief, I understand that fate is a Forced Adversity Triggered Externally (FATE). This is beyond the control of any individual whether it is Mahatma, Saint or even an extraordinary human. As a human being, we cannot control the external factors that is causing us the adversity in life. Let me explain with examples.?
Medical science says that some diseases are hereditary. I will not get into the specifics of the diseases as I am not an expert in that field. Experts say that if parents and grandparents have or had a disease like diabetes, high blood pressure, weak heart or even a teeth problem, there is a high chance that the children will inherit genetically. We enjoy the wealth we inherit from our ancestors. But there is no point in cursing them for the disease we have inherited. We can only find a way to manage it for having low or no impact in our healthy living.?
If our parents are diabetic, we can manage to lead healthy life by changing our lifestyle, having balanced diet and doing exercise. In general, it is better to develop healthy eating habit. This adroit and tactful action by us is driven by our knowledge we gain and embrace. There is a Tamil Proverb "?????? ??????? ?????????". It means that we can conquer or manage our fate by our knowledge". There is a possibility, but there could be something beyond our control. Anything can go wrong anytime.
Let me take another example. When we are on the road in remote place riding a bike, there could be sudden burst of unexpected rain due to the act of nature. We have choices. We can enjoy the rain and keep riding. Some experts say that our body need exposure to various climatic conditions to build strength and immunity. The other option is finding a shelter under a lonely Pipal Tree along the road. When we take shelter under Pipal Tree, we may save our cloths from getting wet or our body from catching cold. In the beautiful rain and in deep silence, we may get wisdom under the pipal tree like Buddha. This depends on what we think in silence and how our attitude is. We may even have evil thoughts in our silence.
The wet white dress of a girl who found the shelter under the same pipal tree, could trigger the guy to rape her and get into trouble, or that girl could rape the boy or both fall in love like what happens in Indian movies. They might have sex in the shower of the rain and get into more troubles in life or lead towards a happy married life or possibly living together. If the heart, mind and intuition say that the other person is not trustworthy, then it is better to escape from that danger zone, continue the ride and get wet in the rain.
Other possibility is that a big lightening could strike the tree and burn you down. Can you control the lightening? Can you trigger lightening when and where you want it to happen? Absolutely "No". But, the knowledge on the high possibility of lightening striking a tree, could make you keep riding in rain. You may catch a manageable cold or unmanageable pneumonia. It all depends on how good your body immunity system is.?
The point I make here is that the outside event is not in our control, we can only respond differently based on our knowledge, belief and confidence. But still, whether we live healthily, suffer sickness or die fatefully is beyond our complete control. Even if we decide to go to the right hospital to get treated with the help of the best doctor, we may die due to the negligence of the ward boy, nurse, medicine manufacturers or the hospital owners who did not allocate fund to maintain the facility including the ceiling fan. Even after going through the best of the best treatment by the best of the best team of medical practitioners, the old ceiling fan could fall straight on your head and smash the skull and make the inscription of the God, if any, on your skull unreadable. Both brain and heart of the patient can stop once for all for no fault of the patient, and the soul could depart to heaven or hell, happily or unhappily.
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."
- Written by an American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971) in 1943, Winnifred Crane Wygal wrote an earlier version in 1933
Understand the circle of influence. Influence where you can and should, and just go with the flow where you cannot influence. Do not be the reason for your adversity in life. If you are the reason, then you should learn, unlearn and relearn to evolve towards a great human.
Fear, guilt and desperation can ruin our happiness. So, learn to face the fate:
God bless you! For atheists, God could be you within you, and the conscience within you.