Face the ugly parts, and celebrate your beauty
When my daughter, TALIA, wrote her debut EP, The Ugly Parts, I pondered the title, wondering what it meant exactly. Her explanation reflected the deep, introspective thought poured into this clever body of work.
The Ugly Parts, released March 23, tells the stories of the perceived ugliness in society, within ourselves, and others around us with a subliminal tie to the seven deadly sins. The music, which is hopeful and upbeat, provokes self-reflection and realization while celebrating individuality.?
?The birth of The Ugly Parts came when TALIA imagined depicting herself on an album cover showing herself embracing what society often perceives as unsavory physical qualities.?
“I wondered how it would be perceived if I showcased myself with the inherent flaws that we as humans try to cover up on a daily basis,” said TALIA. “Things like unkept hair, skin blemishes, smeared makeup, and unwanted body hair. This helped me explore the concept of ugliness and what it is that makes us perceive physical qualities on a superficial and a deeply internal level as such.”
?While the project’s inception began focusing on perceived physical ugliness, TALIA also delved deep into other personal hang-ups that hold people back from realizing their full potential. Each of the seven tracks on the album ties predominantly to one of the seven deadly sins: envy, pride, gluttony, wrath, greed, lust, and sloth. May sound dark and grim, but the underlying message is a positive, powerful one: allow yourself to shed insecurities, overcome what holds you back, and celebrate your uniqueness and your own brand of beauty.?
Check out The Ugly Parts by @thenameistalia and celebrate YOU! https://gate.fm/hpnJ8dIU