Face the Music
The origin of the term “Face the Music” is not clear...but the meaning of it is: We have to face our problems (and the consequences of our actions) at some point.
My wife said something very profound today:
“You can't run from your problems, they run with you.” Vicki Skognes
Everybody has problems. The question is, what do you do with them? Many people think drugs, alcohol, sex, other addictions, and even a change of scenery is going to make the problems go away.
Please, if you don't ever listen to anything else I say, hear this: You can't run from your problems! They will stay with you till you confront them and find a viable solution to them.
We can bury our heads in the sand and wish that life were different...or...we can actually do what we need to do: confront our issues head on. That is not easy. It is not without some pain and discomfort, but the alternative is just insanity! Aren't you crazy enough without putting gas on the fire?
We typically don't want to confront our problems for several reasons:
- We fear the outcome. *Living in fear is never good and results in misery for all involved.
- We hope the problems go away on their own. *They rarely do, by the way.
- We want someone else to confront them for us. *That is unrealistic to expect someone else to bail you out of your problems. That is called: “Passing the buck,” and it will catch up with you.
- We think that nobody will notice the storm we are creating. *Hello...are you that naive? Everyone seems to notice except you.
There is an old saying that is worth repeating: “You can run, but you can't hide.” At some point you have to come face to face with your problems...whatever they are, and quit making excuses, quit running, and face the facts. As uncomfortable and heartless as this may sound, it is some of the best advice you have heard if you are running from your problems. Face the music now so you can enjoy the next chapter of your life. The ball is in your court. Are you going to continue to dribble, foul, pass, or go for the goal?
Daniel Skognes