The Face of Bipolar Disorder
Keith A Milano May 31, 1977 to September 5, 2004

The Face of Bipolar Disorder

I know LinkedIn is a Professional Platform but since so many in my professional life stand with us as we work to change the dialogue around mental health. I am sharing this more personal post.....

Today you would have been's been over a decade since I heard your voice; over a decade since you wrapped those very large arms around me in a hug; over a decade since you smiled with my son; over a decade since you showed up at our house just to hang out.

The gratitude I feel for all those who stand with us in your name, is indescribable.... our hope is that by sharing your beautiful smile, your story, our pain, that we save one family from this, save one life, that one person stands up and says I need help in that dark moment when I can't even image the pain you must have felt.

Keith, you were supposed to stand by my side throughout my life, without you my life has taken a different course; one that I hope honors your fight and would have made you feel less alone in the struggle with bipolar disorder. 

Know I miss you everyday..........

Sorry for the babbling but though most days people see me smile when I share his story and say "my brother died by suicide" know behind my smile is a loss; a loss that changes over time; a loss I try to use an example to our sons but a loss that touches the very bottom of my soul.


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