Douglas Rodriguez MBA
REALM: RESEARCH, E-ADVOCATE, ADR (alternative dispute resolution), LIAISON and MARKET RESEARCH
Staring at a mystery balance they say
Across a void of misery, harmony they pray
It comes and goes in visions
Out of a backdrop of darkness
A circle bright sapphire light U.S.A.
Red earth, white capped peaks clear blue sky
Wisdom and faith hold true
Somewhere out there as we try
Hope resides in between
History carved in stone
A future unknown
Staring at a mystery balance they say
Across a void of misery, harmony they pray
Borrowed sands of time dawn
Four directions defined
Yesterday’s gone
Tomorrow circle sun
The ancients saw it all
We keep looking back
The bear, wolf, animal and life history
The future is what we see
Red life-colored stones
Our eye on infinity
Tales of extinct dinosaurs
Discovered mammoth and broken bones
Staring at a mystery balance they say
Across a void of misery, harmony they pray
?Light years away
We are barely visible
More invisible they say U.S.A.
We are America
Fabric of generations past
Revered thread of world tribes
Sanctified woven tapestry
Color by design inscribes
Sure, we disagree
Courage is key to democracy
Together we live free
United in valor
Spirit of liberty
We honor Mother Earth
Staring at a mystery balance they say
Across a void of misery, harmony they pray
Floating destiny
Stars too many to count
Planetary irony
Great spirit unbroken
Tribal voices spoken
Faith unshaken
We are America
Indigenous Pueblo liberty
Western hemisphere ancestry
Navajo Code Talker
Apache scout walker
Global security for the U.S.A.
Reflections hourglass
Sand and gravity
Tech discovery
More questions than answers
Ancient structures we explain
Marvels we entertain
America, America
Father Sun shone at me
America America
Mary Mother ‘tis of thee
America, America, America
Migratory wings settle peacefully
Prayer feathers dancing
Through age eternity
America, America, America
Life shed for you and me
Sacrifice is mercy holy
America, sacred light of life
Grain of dust blind to traveled eye
For all man’s curiosity
Creator knows who we are
They say we have His might
America, America, America, America
Blurred vision steeps
Humanities saline focus weeps
Glory, joy, healing majesty
Celestial Wonder Blessing they say
America, America, America
U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.
Standing tall she lights creation’s way
Song lyrics [rock or country], authored by:? Douglas ‘Doug’ Rodriguez (indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere, Aztec, Mayan, Ancient Anasazi, Ancestral Pueblo or Ancestral Puebloan descent) 31 October.? Copyright ? 2024, all rights reserved. ?