Fabienne Borde, Kroll Advisory
Equal Representation for Expert Witnesses
Equal Representation for Expert Witnesses (ERE) aims to improve the representation of women as expert witnesses.
Our Spotlight Series, coordinated by the ERE Young Practitioners’ Committee, continues this month with an interview with Fabienne Borde from Kroll Advisory. If you would like to be featured in an edition of the Spotlight Series please email Patricia Moroney ([email protected]) or Laura Powell ([email protected])
Fabienne, please tell us a little more about your background:
I started my career at PwC Paris as an external auditor in 1992 then was seconded to the US for a two-year period starting from 1997. During this secondment, I transferred to the Forensic Services practice of PwC and that’s how I started to work on disputes and claims. Back in France in 1999, I joined the newly created Forensics department of PwC France. I became a partner in 2012 and ten years later (and after an almost 30 year-career with PwC), I joined Kroll to set up the Commercial Expert Analysis practice in Paris.
What has been the highlight of your career?
Finding out about the existence of a practice called Forensic Services during my secondment in the US was the founding moment of my career as a forensic accountant and then an expert witness. And having the opportunity to join a newly established department back in Paris (a team of two at that time!) also gave me a lot of opportunities in terms of types of assignments and allowed me to gain an invaluable and extremely diversified experience.
What has been the biggest challenge of your career?
Obtaining my first appointments as an expert witness, as lawyers tend to recommend people who have already testified. Before I became a partner, I had the chance to work with a female senior partner who allowed me to sign some reports with her and who managed to convince the law firm to have us testify together on a case. This was my first experience of cross-examination, and I was happy not to live that alone! I am trying to do the same thing today with my co-workers.
What career advice would you give your younger self?
Do no wait until you reach a senior position at a firm to start building your own network and to be present and active in professional associations, mentorship programs, training, or conferences, especially in the arbitration world which is actually a “small world”. It takes a whole career to build and sustain a network and the sooner one starts, the better. There are more and more initiatives launched by young practitioners (either lawyers or arbitrators) especially in the arbitration world; young female experts should also be part of it and be active in this space.
What is the secret to having longevity as an expert witness?
Consistently delivering high quality work, being really involved in the cases from beginning to end and, of course, being supported by a strong and passionate team. Again, I would emphasise the importance of your network, whether it be lawyers, former clients, peers, or former colleagues from other firms, as this ecosystem is the one that can recommend you for future cases.
Giving to the community is also important: contributing to think-tanks, training young lawyers, participating in mock cross-examination are all ways to keep thinking about the purpose of your work and you can improve your ways of working.
Question from last month’s interviewee, Isabel Santos Kunsman (AlixPartners): What do you do to balance the stress of the job?
I am not too stressed. We always try to be ready way ahead of the official deadline and it works most of the time, except when you get an assignment 10 days before the submission(!). Otherwise, I try to walk everyday either on my way to the office or my way back home, which is a good time to cool down and to do some kind of physical activity. I listen to podcasts or music while I walk, and this is a good way to stop thinking about the job.?
What would you like to ask the next expert to be featured in the Spotlight Series?
What do you like the most in your work as an expert witness?