Fab Four Fracture at Fifty- Détente.

Fab Four Fracture at Fifty- Détente.

"It was fifty years ago today"-

On April 10, 1970, Paul McCartney slipped in a press release disguised as an interview to accompany his new self-titled album. The 37-question and and answer sequence was the unofficial divorce decree of The Beatles.

But what if they had averted disaster? What if cooler heads had prevailed? The 2017 novel "Once There Was a Way" by Bryce Zabel covers this alternate history where John, Paul, George & Ringo continue to make music in the 1970's and beyond. The film "Boyhood" saw actor Ethan Hawke put together a "Black Album" of solo recordings by the group, and there are "Orange" and "Green" albums on the internet. It's relatively easy to do a greatest hits collection of their solo works. But what would have an early-70's Beatles album looked like?

Over the next few weeks we'll do that in this space, accounting for label demands and the inner politics of the band at the time. We'll also compensate for the relaxed schedules of the 70's, where groups didn't release more than one album per calendar year. This is where things step over the line from the realistic to the fantastic:

Apple management (Allen Klein & Lee Eastman representing the members of the group) effectively embargo any new releases until "Let it Be" comes out as an single, album, and film later in the spring. But the four still record songs on their own over the next few months. By the time the single, film and album are released cooler heads prevail. They agree on a détente where they could continue to put out product and stabilize what was once a sinking Apple corporation; giving John time for his causes, Paul the freedom to play live with a backing group (titled "Paul McCartney & Friends"), George the necessary break to feed his spiritual hunger, and Ringo more time to appear in movies.

In this new world, singles will be referred to by quotation marks, albums by italics. Writer/singer will be noted by J, P, G or R in parenthesis after the song.

March 6, 1970- "Let it Be" (P) is released with "You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)" (J). It reaches number one.

April 24, 1970- Let it Be is released, as there was no McCartney album hitting the market in this world. Another number one with the film released four days later.

May 11, 1970- "The Long and Winding Road" (P) b/w "For You Blue" (G). In one world, the Fab Four's final chart-topper. In another, the natural post-album release to feed the hungry market that had just watched the movie.


August, 1970- "Instant Karma" (J) b/w "Apple Scruffs" (G). Recorded in January, John wanted this rush-released. Even held back five-plus months, its intensity still has charge. George's paean to the group's fans is a nice throw-in.


November, 1970- Détente

Just in time for the Christmas season release (as was the custom from 1963 through 1965 as well as 1967 and 1968), they return to fourteen tracks that was the norm for six of their first seven studio albums. John gets five songs while Paul and George get four apiece, and Ringo receives his moment in the spotlight. Paul's best song of the year kicks off the LP in grand fashion (and each gets a turn in the first four tracks), while the first side ends with John's compelling sermon. An emotional second side wraps up with George letting things go, relaxing tensions. Like the détente they had sought amidst business, musical and personal differences over the previous year.

Side One-

Maybe I'm Amazed (P)

Remember (J)

My Sweet Lord (G)

It Don't Come Easy (R)

Every Night (P)

Art of Dying (G)

God (J)


Side Two-

Mother (J)

Isn't it a Pity (G)

That Would be Something (P)

Working Class Hero (J)

Teddy Boy (P)

Isolation (J)

All Things Must Pass (G)


December, 1970- "What is Life" (G) b/w "I Found Out" (J). George gets his turn on the holiday single released alongside the LP (akin to "Day Tripper" and Rubber Soul in 1965). Starting with a sweet guitar riff and put over the top with a waterfall of sound (thank you Phil Spector), this rings in the new year at number one. What would 1971 bring these Beatles?


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