F5 Lab 1.12: High Availability - Active/Active Configuration
As I mention on my last article here about high available options, F5 supports active/standby or active/active mode for handling the traffic. Active/active on the F5 is based on traffic-group perspective. Traffic-group is a "container" of failover objects, it contains self IPs, virtual server, virtual address and so on. On active/active pair of F5 both F5 will act as active for one-or more traffic-group but at the same time it also as standby for the other. So it's different from active/standby mode which only one F5 act as an active device for all traffic-groups and the other one only standby mode.
On my lab, I have scenario for creating two traffic-groups, traffic-group1 will be used for transactional application and traffic-group2 will used for non-transactional application.
Here below the diagram of each traffic-group:
Let's lab the scenario:
1. Verify existing traffic-groups and the objects. On GUI, navigate to Device Management => Traffic Groups
From the capture status, on traffic-group-1 bigip1 is currently active device and the bigip2 is on standby. If the system failover, bigip2 will be the active.
To view failover objects, click on traffic-group-1 and go to Failover Object tab.
Based on the capture, there are 4 objects existed on the traffic group. It consists of two floating IPs and two virtual addresses. Both virtual-addresses is used on virtual servers below:
As the diagram above, transactional application will remains on traffic-group-1 but the non-transactional will be moved to traffic-group-2. So I will move the floating self IP for WEB_VLAN_2_FLOAT and virtual address for MARKETING_WEB to traffic-group-2.
2. Create new traffic-group. Navigate to Device Management => Traffic Groups. Then click "Create"
3. On the traffic-group creation page, it will need configure some parameters
Then click "Create Traffic Group".
4. After it created, let's change the traffic group for WEB_VLAN_2_FLOAT and virtual address for MARKETING_WEB to traffic-group-2.
5. Let's make F5-HA2 to be active device for non-transactional-traffic-group-2.
To make F5-HA2 as active device for non-transactional-traffic-group-2, we should force the bigip1 to standby by selecting the traffic group and then force to standby.
Verify the active device for each traffic-groups:
As we can see from the output, the active device for non-transactional-traffic-group-2 is bigip2.
6. Let's verify from traffic perspective by accessing each virtual server on each traffic group.
When accessing the MARKETING_WEB VS, the connection table only shows on bigip-2. It proves that bigip-2 is processing the traffic for MARKETING_WEB VS.
When accessing the PAYMENT_WEB VS, the connection table only shows on bigip-1. It proves that bigip-1 is processing the traffic for PAYMENT_WEB VS.
Based on the test result, it shows that Active/Active high availability scenario is successfully implemented.
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