The F-word (not the one you think)
Leonard Nimoy Slater
( Owner) EYS Language Consulting & The Lucky Mushroom UG (haftungsbeschr?nkt)
Flawed is the f-word that better sums up the human experience than any other I can think of at the moment. It’s a great word to sum up starts and finishes.
I am flawed. I am wonderfully flawed that’s what makes me the perfect human to reach other humans.
The Lucky Mushroom concept is based on a sincere and honest attempt by the flawed to communicate with the flawed despite the permanent pontification of perfection. The pontification of perfection is like a plague on this planet. That was a lot of p-words.
I once wrote an article about how I am retarded enough to believe that there is still hope for us as a species; I still believe. Some were too triggered by my use of the word retarded to read the article.
The Lucky Mushroom is the first brand that is for everyone even when the world says ?brands“ such as this do not exist. The altruistic nature at the core of the profit motive is often dismissed by skeptics but I digress.
The Lucky Mushroom Method for English Acquisition was made for English speakers to understand and get a deeper appreciation for the beauty of the language of their mothers. In other words, it was made for native speakers but the chief beneficiaries will be non-native speakers. Even if they are developmentally impaired they will learn to communicate in English.
It’s for children and adults! The ABCs of Economics is for teens and adults and Lucky is for the kids. It’s more than just a program about information. A language is more than just information. Information is just one of many I-words and all Lucky Mushrooms know that.
When the Lucky Mushroom listens, it listens as if the child is retarded (like Icy Bro) until proven otherwise or confirmed. It encourages learners to do the same. I am aware that the word retarded is a trigger word in English. If you are German whenever you come across the word retarded in the Lucky Mushroom program substitute it with ?entwicklungs vers?rgert“. The use of the term is for native English speakers.
As flawed as it may be, if you speak Lucky Mushroom English and you are not being understood by native speakers it is not because your English is flawed. It is because there is not a sincere interest in the listener to communicate with you. An earnest attempt to communicate is not being made by the listener. The listener in this case is like a bad police officer in an audit on YouTube or Facebook. Or the listener is retarded, there is nothing wrong with that but there is nothing wrong with your English either.
I am flawed enough to believe that my business plan does not have a flaw. I have identified not only a market but an entire planet that has a need for my product because my product and the need are one in the same. The need is the ability to understand the world in English; political and religious ideologies aside if you don’t understand that need you might be (insert r-word here).
The reserve currency of the world is the dollar. That is an observation, not a belief. English is the language of commerce. It is the language of peace and war. It is not the language of my ancestors but it is the language of my mother and my song. It’s a gift and I would like to share it with you.
We come into this world equipped with fear and ready to be exploited.
In the world around me, I see that people have a flawed view of capitalism especially when they think of Americans. They have a flawed view of racism in America. I am speaking of the Americans too. Don’t forget that I said The Lucky Mushroom was made for them. It was made for native speakers! If they learn the Lucy Mushroom ABCs they will be better equipped to understand the rest of the world.? So I am speaking especially to native speakers with a desire to become economically literate. We have a constitution and a nation of free men who believe in it.? Our democracy is not in danger. People who think that we could ever have a race war, both black and white, are delusional. We are united! That’s not just a part of our name.
Some might think that I have a flawed perception of reality. However, The Lucky Mushroom is more about observation than perception. I am making observations.
Imagine America as a little town with two families living next door to each other.? Two families one black and one white living next door to each other. They have the exact same things. They go to the same schools, drive the same cars, wear the same clothes, and have the same kind of relationship with God, even if their belief is different. Two little boys live there and they are blood brothers, they have made a pact. ANY other little boy is a stranger. It doesn’t matter what your mommy and daddy said these two little boys don’t know them and don’t care.
These two little boys are an integral part of what I call the security apparatus of our nation. When you encounter them do not flaw! They are retarded.? Talk to them really slowly. They love to play and will explain the rules of any game they are playing so that you can play too.
They are sometimes seen as violent and the rules that govern their games were created by what they both view as "the founding fathers". It’s the only principle that both their households wholeheartedly agree on. That and the existence of a God. These two boys are built into the security apparatus of American democracy and they do not care if you agree. They only want to be understood and left alone if you don’t want to play.
Korea and Italy both sound the same in English. They both understand and dream of the Terra Promessa! I ought to know. I am Icy Bro and I can put it into terms that you can understand both economically and spiritually in English. The entire world will see the parallels immediately. However, the English-speaking world will need more time because they do not speak the ABCs of Economics. They only speak English.
Welcome to the Lucky Mushroom!