EZ Bake Oven or LGR Dehumidifier?
Here is a controversial topic. Should you pay thousands of dollars for an LGR dehumidifier to tackle a water loss or invest about $70.00 and use a child's EZ Bake Oven. The manufacturers of the LGR dehumidifier make outrageous claims, none backed by any known science. They claim the LGR is able to lower the specific humidity to lower levels than a traditional dehumidifier. Even if this claim were true, lowering the specific humidity or grains per pound will have no effect on evaporating water. Zero effect! It seems the manufacturers of dehumidifiers are willfully falsifying science or they are clueless. The science is very clear. The attraction between water molecules is very strong. Water molecules will stay in the liquid stage, no evaporation, no matter how low the grains or specific humidity is lowered. This is an important fact you must know before you invest in any LGR "technology" or invest in any class that teaches such foolishness.
It is heat and only heat that promotes evaporation. Evaporation is the only way water is going to leave a structure after pumping out standing water. Evaporation is the only tool in the toolbox. Heat will cause the water molecules to become more active and become a vapor where they can be readily removed from the structure. The EZ Bake oven is much more likely to accomplish the necessary goal.