Eyes Are the Windows to Trust
As the Roman philosopher Cicero once said, "The face is a picture of the mind as the eyes are its interpreter." When you pay attention, the eyes provide a lot of information about the emotional state of the person across from you.
When you're worried, your brows furrow, making your eyes look smaller. When you're happy, your eyebrows raise unconsciously, making them appear larger and sparkle giving you a "bright-eyed" appearance.
Smiling is another facial expression that is interpreted by your eyes. When the smile is genuine it reaches from your lips to your eyes, as the corners of your eyes crinkle.
Sometimes, when people are smiling to be polite they forget their eyes and the smile appears strange, or fake.
Your pupils also respond to emotions and anticipated actions, and not just a mechanical reflex to the amount of light in the room. In one study, researchers found the pupillary response of the subjects began changing in response to the anticipation of how much light might be where the eyes would be focused and not in response to the change of light.
For instance, when staring at a computer screen your pupils are smaller to let in less light. However, when you glance down at the keyboard or over the top of the screen your pupils begin changing in response to how much light your brain anticipates will be in the environment.
Your pupils also involuntarily dilate when you are aroused, whether that arousal is attraction or the trigger of a fight or flight response.
Psychology Today, December 31, 2015
Your eyelashes have an average life span of five months. If you put each of the lashes shed over your life end-to-end it would reach approximately 98 feet.
The Discovery Eye Foundation, 20 Facts About the Amazing Eye
Your fingerprint has 40 unique characteristics, but your retina has 256 unique characteristics making a retinal scan much more secure.
There are 39 million people around the world who are blind. Nearly 80 percent of vision problems are preventable or curable. Your eyes heal very quickly; with proper care a corneal scratch may heal in 48 hours. More than 1 million nerve fibers connect each eye to your brain, making this connection so complex that an eye transplant is not yet possible.
The Discovery Eye Foundation, 20 Facts About the Amazing Eye
In Iridology the dark ring is called Scurf Rim, it indicates toxins close to the skin, according to the famous Dr. Jensen. If it gets white, as often in old people that means the arteries are calcified.
The eyes are the mirror of the body and soul. If you go on a detoxification for a longer time, the dark ring may change to the eye color again.
Just a FYI; A substance containing vitamin A, 'vision purple', is formed in the eyes and any light reaching the eyes breaks down part of the vision purple, and the products of this purposeful breakdown set up nerve impulses which tell the brain what the eyes see.
I have always wondered about the white orb of the eye...Some people have clear bright white orbs..others are marked by numerous veins...others are gray, with a shaded appearance..some have small yellow spots...I have searched the internet for details on how these differences might relate to health, but I haven't found any info.
The sclera, also known as the white of the eye, it contains collagen and elastic fiber. Protection is one of it's functions. People with clear bright white eyes always appear more healthy.
What happens when a person can only see out of one eye?
Does the one eye that can see kind of "take over" for the other one in terms of peripheral vision, as well as other functions?
Good questions This I can tell you. The Peripheral Vision is the one that allows you to reach up to almost 180o with your sight.
When you are reading, and you only notice the word or syllable, that you are reading you use your Central Vision, which covers a little over 30o. With this last one, you look at what you see, so that you focus your sight on the object that you observe. With the first you see everything, although not clearly.
Monocular vision, that is, with only one eye, is not a major obstacle in most work situations. The need to reach a high profile must be put in contact with the affected worker's profesiogram.
The loss of vision that affects only one of our eyes makes it necessary to assess the adaptation to monocular vision, so that the congenital or progressive involvement presents great differences with respect to the one that appears, in a traumatic and sudden way.
Normally, the vision with only one eye has been considered as a generator of Total Disability, in cases of truck drivers, computer technicians, turners, masons or drivers of vehicles, as tractor drivers.
In the loss of peripheral vision, lateral vision is lost, leaving the central one intact. Loss of peripheral (lateral) vision may be associated with:
Glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy. Glaucoma encompasses a group of diseases that cause progressive damage to the optic nerve.
With age, its incidence increases and the visual field decreases. If it is not treated in time, you can lose your vision completely.
With respect to 3D movies. Humans can see 3D images with only one eye. Seeing simply through a small hole is enough to experience the 3D effect, says Dhanraj Vishwanath, a psychologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, United Kingdom. His research was published in the journal Psychological Science
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Thank you … The low pressure of the postoperative eye can generate a problem in the central part of the retina with a significant deterioration of vision (hypotonic maculopathy). Between 70 and 80% of patients operated on for glaucoma suffer in the postoperative period, a deterioration of vision due to the development of a waterfall. (According to statistics with 5 years of postoperative follow-up). (2017) Complications and Management of Glaucoma Filtering.
Management of complications in glaucoma surgery.