Eyes of a Certain Age
Got my eyes checked for the first time in years this morning. The good news is I'm still rocking 20/20 vision. The other news -- not surprisingly -- is my eyes have what are called floaters. Google it. But the peepers are showing their age.
The rest of me is, too, but I only got the eyes looked at today. I'm now at that stage of life where I get to use the "of a certain age" descriptor. Getting older doesn't bother me as much as some. I suppose much of that has to do with the fact everyone ages. It also doesn't hurt that the older I get, the farther I am from dumb things done in my past.
Much is made of the young wasting their youth. But for so many, youth is chock full of mistakes, indiscretions and "hold my beer" moments. Moments that do not age well. Time does not heal everything but I'm less prone at this age to have a cringe-worthy moment.
That seems a fair swap for a little arthritis here or there, slightly diminished vision or not being as good once as I ever was. I can see that with my eyes shut.