"Eyeliner Is For People Who Want To Look Younger"
Megan Tong
Coach for high-performers who want to earn more money and attain financial freedom. Co-founder of Kanga Pies.
When I used to go to work at an office as a CPA, I would always wear makeup.
My thought was : “Look good, feel good, do good!” and for me, looking good included doing my makeup.
One fine day, I was having coffee with a co-worker I really liked, and she said, totally nonchalantly:
“I don’t wear eyeliner, because I just feel that eyeliner is for people who want to make themselves look younger.”
She didn’t mean to criticize me, or be mean at all.
She was just stating her opinion.
But still…
If I’m totally honest, I still felt a little embarrassed.
I mean, what if other people were thinking that too?
And still to this day, would you believe that when I put eyeliner on, her comment flits through my brain.
Because our human brains are WIRED to want to garner the love, approval, and admiration of all those around us.
Especially people we like.
So here's what I want to tell you: if you’re living a big life, the same kind of thing is going to happen to you.
You will tell people about your new idea, or your career change.
And they will literally say things like “I really think you’ll be happier with a steady job as an accountant.” Or "That industry is so saturated already."
They will have their thoughts and opinions.
And they will offer them freely.
You simply can’t stop ‘em.
And at the end of the day, you’re going to have to ask yourself:
What are YOUR reasons?
And do you LIKE them?
And then you’re going to have to decide.
Are you going to put the damn eyeliner on, or are you going to quietly put it back in the drawer?
It’s 100% up to you.