Eye Candy Marketing
Having done marketing with many industries, the one thing that rings true is that creating a campaign for companies has to incorporate stunning visualization! When you are selling your brand you have to be telling a story. Our attention spans are extremely short these days and if you don't make them take a double look, to begin with, your efforts are less fruitful.
What is eye candy marketing? It is the ability to tell your story with bold, creative, and innovative design so that it captures the exact audience you want to listen to it! It is also using these same intriguing colors consistently when you talk about your brand. Are you targeting home buyers with the same exact ad every other realtor is using? What if you used the graphic that I did for this article with a headline that read..."Buy A Home & Keep Your Money"? Or maybe something regarding your marketing business as the best one saying "Easy Money Making Business Tools"? I think you're catching the drift of what I am saying here right?
Don't be afraid to mix things up and use graphics and colors that speak loud and grab attention! Remember, you came to this article because you probably saw the picture and wanted to know more about what that meant. Think of it as a made you look challenge for your business! Make em look and if it wouldn't turn your head, don't use it! Now go get that money, honey!