For those who suffer from PTSD a "Warrior Clinician" has awoken


  • Long-time no share, got pulled down Alice’s hole unexpectedly. But, I’m back, back to share a short, concise, linear, concrete, and to the point story. This story will follow a line through which a set of numbers, 22 – 46 will play a central role. With the use of these two numbers, I’ll attempt to maintain clarity. Doing this concisely, along a straight line, and making clear a singular thought.
A Veterans final thought
22 is the number of Veterans who have served our nation honorably and will commit suicide tomorrow. That was the number of our loved ones who left us yesterday and will do so again today. 46 is the number of our loved ones who will overdose tomorrow. As they did yesterday, and our precious children, our fathers, mothers, aunties, and uncles who will also again, overdose today.

For every Veteran a pilgramage to Normandy is essential.

The connection for me is as a Veteran who was prescribed on a monthly basis by the VA, 240 tabs of Vicodin. On 7 July 2018, I went to the VA emergency room and 5150’d me for harm to self, which included a plan. Their response, pills! Not more Vicodin but anti-depressants. At this moment I’m personally coming apart at the seams from the overuse of Opioids. And, as I shared their response to my dilemma was more pills, no offer of clinical therapy, no bed surrounded in loving care, no, none of these, just a bottle full of oval-shaped suggestions. I’m having thoughts of suicide and they say, “take care and we’ll call to check on you tomorrow.” Wow, you want to know the irony, my profession, Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW).

On Monday, a court ruled that Johnson & Johnson, who fueled Oklahoma’s Opioid crisis, was ordered to pay more than $570 million to address this crisis. The date 27 August 2019, earlier this same year, Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin agreed to pay Oklahoma $270 million dollars in a settlement.

Anger that does not serve me, or any of us...

Though these words are short and concise and to the point, they just don’t say anything, nothing, or perhaps they say it all. My son, my daughter, you my brothers and sister I’m hurt. I am deeply hurt and I’m growing angry. The problem, if I become angry all will be lost. If I get angry, I will not think correctly, I’ll not act correctly.

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I’m sorry America; I say this in order to assume my responsibility regarding this crisis. With the assumption of responsibility I can now begin to address this issue, the Opioid Epidemic. Not to assume my responsibility is to ignore or worse deny that we or I have a problem.

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Having just extricating myself from Alice’s hole, I’m back. I’m back and am preparing for a solution. A solution based on my clinical social work knowledge and skill. America, join me or watch me, either stand alongside me or get the hell out of my way. I say this to you because I’m hurting, hurting badly. And, if I become angry I shall fail… as will you!

